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Where Angels hear to iread


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The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why violence has declined. By Steven Pinker. New York: Viking, 2011. 832 pp. $20.In April 2013, the Institute for Economics and Peace found that in the past decade rates of murder and violent crime had fallen more rapidly in the UK than in many other countries in Western Europe (Institute for Economics and Peace, 2013). The release of the contentious report was followed by a period, albeit brief, of debate by academics, criminologists and the media, some questioning the veracity of the report and the evidence base which underpinned it, whilst others suggested cause-and-effect deficiencies and poor methodological research. Yet Sir Ian Blair, the former commissioner of the London Metropolitan Police, argued that, giventhe downward trend was across the developing world, the fall was due to the ‘change in the way society views and abhors violence’. We are a more violence-averse society, he claimed (BBC, 2013).His comments chime with the findings of Steven Pinker, inhis important and provocative book. The Better Angels of Our Nature - a courageous attempt to provide the requisite evidence and robust argument to challenge conventional assumptions and flawed perceptions about violence. A nuanced, wide-ranging and rigorous assessment of the nature, predictability and extent of violence, the book has relevance for a broad audience including those who set security, justice and conflict policy as well as those who must daily confront the causes and manifestations of violence. This review, written with conflict specialists in mind, seeks to provide information and new knowledge; demonstrate the primacy of evidence and critical appraisal; provoke debate; encourage multi- disciplinary approaches and responses to violence;and stimulate communities of practice.
机译:我们本性的善天使:为什么暴力下降了。史蒂文·平克(Steven Pinker)。纽约:维京,2011年。832页,每本20美元。2013年4月,经济与和平研究所发现,过去十年来,英国的谋杀和暴力犯罪率比西欧许多其他国家下降得更快(经济与和平研究所,2013年)。在发布有争议的报告之后,学者,犯罪学家和媒体进行了一段简短的辩论,尽管有些简短,但有人质疑该报告的真实性和支撑其依据的证据基础,而另一些人则提出了因果缺陷和方法学研究不力。然而,伦敦大都会警察局前专员伊恩·布莱尔爵士(Ian Blair)辩称,鉴于下降趋势在整个发展中国家都存在,因此下降是由于“社会对暴力行为的看法和憎恶方式的改变”。他声称,我们是一个更加规避暴力的社会(英国广播公司,2013年)。他的评论与史蒂文·平克(Steven Pinker)的重要发现颇有共鸣。我们的天性更好的天使-勇于尝试提供必要的证据和有力的论据,以挑战传统的假设和对暴力的错误认识。该书对暴力的性质,可预见性和范围进行了细致入微,广泛而严格的评估,与广大读者相关,包括制定安全,正义和冲突政策的人们以及每天必须面对暴力的根源和表现的人们暴力。这项考虑到冲突专家的评论旨在提供信息和新知识;证明证据和批判性评估的重要性;引起辩论;鼓励采取多学科的方法和对暴力的反应;并促进实践社区。



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