首页> 外文期刊>Diseases of the esophagus: official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus >Bone marrow progenitor cells contribute to esophageal regeneration and metaplasia in a rat model of Barrett's esophagus.

Bone marrow progenitor cells contribute to esophageal regeneration and metaplasia in a rat model of Barrett's esophagus.


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Barrett's esophagus develops when refluxed gastric juice injures the esophageal squamous lining and the injury heals through a metaplastic process in which intestinal-type columnar cells replace squamous ones. The progenitor cell that gives rise to Barrett's metaplasia is not known, nor is it known why the condition is predisposed to malignancy. We studied the contribution of bone marrow stem cells to the development of Barrett's esophagus in an animal model. Twenty female rats were given a lethal dose of irradiation followed by tail vein injection of bone marrow cells from male rats. Ten days later, the female rats were randomly assigned to undergo either esophagojejunostomy, a procedure that causes reflux esophagitis with intestinal metaplasia, or a sham operation. The rats were killed at 8 weeks and serial sections of the snap-frozen esophagi were cut and mounted on slides. The first and last sections were used for histological evaluation and the intervening sections were immunostained for cytokeratin to identify epithelial cells and analyzed for Y chromosome by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Histological evaluation of the esophagi from rats that had esophagojejunostomy revealed ulcerative esophagitis and multiple areas of intestinal metaplasia. FISH analyses showed that some of the squamous epithelial cells and some of the columnar epithelial cells lining the glands of the intestinal metaplasia were positive for Y chromosome. These observations suggest that multi-potential progenitor cells of bone marrow origin contribute to esophageal regeneration and metaplasia in this rat model of Barrett's esophagus.
机译:当回流的胃液损伤食管鳞状细胞壁并通过肠型柱状细胞代替鳞状细胞的化生过程治愈后,巴雷特食管就会发育。导致巴雷特化生的祖细胞是未知的,也不知道为什么这种病易患恶性肿瘤。我们在动物模型中研究了骨髓干细胞对Barrett食道发育的贡献。给予二十只雌性大鼠致死剂量的辐射,然后尾静脉注射雄性大鼠的骨髓细胞。十天后,将雌性大鼠随机分配进行食管空肠造口术(一种引起肠化生反流性食管炎的手术)或假手术。将大鼠在第8周处死,将速冻食管的连续切片切下并固定在载玻片上。第一部分和最后一部分用于组织学评估,中间部分进行细胞角蛋白免疫染色以鉴定上皮细胞,并通过荧光原位杂交(FISH)分析Y染色体。食管空肠造口大鼠食管的组织学评估显示溃疡性食管炎和肠上皮化生的多个区域。 FISH分析表明,肠上皮化生腺周围的一些鳞状上皮细胞和一些柱状上皮细胞的Y染色体呈阳性。这些观察结果表明,在巴雷特食管的这种大鼠模型中,骨髓来源的多能祖细胞有助于食管的再生和化生。



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