首页> 外文期刊>Turkish journal of chemistry >Rapid Complexometric Determination of Mercury(II)Using Glutathione as a Selective Demasking Reagent

Rapid Complexometric Determination of Mercury(II)Using Glutathione as a Selective Demasking Reagent


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A simple,rapid and selective Complexometric method is proposed for the determination of mercury(II)in the presence of associated metal ions.Mercury(II)is first complexed with an excess of EDTA and the surplus EDTA is titrated against standard zinc sulphate solution at pH 5-6 using xylenol orange indicator.Glutathione is then added to displace EDTA from the Hg-EDTA complex quantitatively and the EDTA released is back titrated against a standard zinc sulphate solution as before.The method works well in the range 4 to 80 mg of mercury with a relative error of less than 0.30% and a coefficient of variation of not more than 0.38%.The effect of the presence of various diverse ions has been studied.The method is used for the determination of mercury(II)in its alloys and complexes.
机译:提出了一种简单,快速,选择性的络合测定方法,用于在伴生金属离子存在下测定汞(II)。首先将汞(II)与过量的EDTA络合,然后将过量的EDTA相对于标准硫酸锌溶液进行滴定(在用二甲酚橙指示剂调节pH值为5-6,然后加入谷胱甘肽以定量取代Hg-EDTA络合物中的EDTA,并将释放的EDTA如前所述用标准硫酸锌溶液反滴定,该方法在4至80 mg范围内效果良好汞的相对误差小于0.30%,变异系数不大于0.38%。研究了各种不同离子的存在的影响。该方法用于测定汞中的汞(II)合金和配合物。



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