首页> 外文期刊>Turkish Journal of Agriculture & Forestry >The effect of tying and wrapping materials and their color on budding success in kiwifruit.

The effect of tying and wrapping materials and their color on budding success in kiwifruit.


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Field experiments were conducted in Turkey, in 2002 and 2003, to study the effect of tying and wrapping materials and their colour on budding success in kiwifruit cv. Hayward. Three-year-old, gallon-container-grown Hayward seedlings were chip-budded with Hayward chip-bud sticks in the first quarter of May. Raffia (black), cannabis fibre, leathery polyethylene band (white), soft rubbery polyethylene tape (white), paper tape, cotton yarn and plastic string (white) were used as tying and wrapping materials in the first experiment. Green, red, black and white raffia were used as wrapping materials in the second experiment. In the first trial, the soft rubbery plastic tape gave the highest graft-take (100%), sprouting rate (96.67 and 100%, for 2002 and 2003, respectively), graft shoot diameter (7.58 mm and 7.62 mm, for 2002 and 2003, respectively) and length (70.43 cm and 78.01 cm, for 2002 and 2003, respectively). Paper tape gave the lowest results. In the second trial, white raffia gave the best results on graft success (96.67 and 93.33%, for 2002 and 2003, respectively) and graft shoot length and diameter. The soft rubbery plastic tape could be effectively used for tying the kiwifruit bud-grafts and white wrapping material increased bud success. The conventional wraps such as cannabis fibre, plastic string, cotton yarn or paper tape were not suitable for kiwifruit budding..
机译:2002年和2003年在土耳其进行了野外试验,以研究捆扎和包裹材料及其颜色对猕猴桃简历出芽成功的影响。海沃德。在5月的第一季度,用海沃德碎屑棒将三岁的加仑容器生长的海沃德幼苗进行了碎屑处理。在第一个实验中,酒椰纤维(黑色),大麻纤维,聚乙烯状皮革带(白色),橡胶状聚乙烯软带(白色),纸带,棉纱和塑料绳(白色)被用作捆绑和包裹材料。在第二个实验中,绿色,红色,黑色和白色酒椰叶被用作包装材料。在第一个试验中,柔软的橡胶状塑料带具有最高的接枝率(100%),发芽率(分别为2002和2003年的发芽率(96.67和100%)),2002和2003年的接枝芽直径(7.58 mm和7.62 mm)。 2003年)和长度(分别为2002年和2003年的70.43厘米和78.01厘米)。纸带效果最低。在第二项试验中,白色拉菲草在嫁接成功率(分别为2002年和2003年分别为96.67%和93.33%)以及嫁接枝条的长度和直径方面给出了最佳结果。柔软的橡胶状塑料带可有效地用于捆扎奇异果芽移植物,而白色包裹材料可增加芽的成功率。常规包裹物,例如大麻纤维,塑料线,棉纱或纸带,不适合用于奇异果芽。



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