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The 1500th Anniversary (512-2012) of the Juliana Anicia Codex: An Illustrated Dioscoridean Recension

机译:朱莉安娜·安妮西亚(Juliana Anicia)法典1500周年(512-2012):例示的恐龙皮纪

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The Greek herbal of Pedanios Dioskurides entitled (On Medical Matters) was written about the year 65. It was destined to be one of the most famous books on pharmacology and medicine but is also rich in horticulture and plant ecology. The oldest surviving and most famous recension of this famous work, completed in Constantinople about 512, is a Greek version in an alphabetical arrangement that was prepared and presented to the imperial Princess Juliana Anicia (462-527), daughter of the Anicius Olybrius, Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. The bound manuscript stored in Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna is available in facsimile and is now referred to as the Juliana Anicia Codex (JAQ or the Codex Vindobonensis. The JAC contains 383 paintings of plants, including many horticultural crops. An analysis of the illustrations indicates that they were made by numerous artists of varying skills and it is probable that some were derived from earlier lost versions. A comparison of illustrations with modern photographs indicates surprising similarities with contemporary plants.
机译:Pedanios Dioskurides的希腊草药题为《关于医疗事项》(On Medical Matters)写于大约65年。它注定是最著名的药理学和医学书籍之一,但也有丰富的园艺和植物生态学著作。该著名作品中最古老的幸存者和最著名的修正者,是在君士坦丁堡于512年左右完成的,是按字母顺序排列的希腊版本,准备并赠送给了皇帝朱莉安娜·安妮西亚公主(462-527),这是皇帝阿尼修斯·奥林比斯的女儿西罗马帝国。装订在维也纳国家图书馆的手稿可以通过传真获得,现在被称为朱莉安娜·安尼西亚法典(JAQ或Vindobonensis法典。JAC包含383幅植物画,包括许多园艺作物。对插图的分析表明,它们是由众多技艺各异的艺术家制作的,其中有些可能是从早期的失落版本中衍生出来的,将插图与现代摄影作品进行比较,发现它们与当代植物具有惊人的相似性。



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