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Responsive parenting: Establishing early foundations for social, communication, and independent problem-solving skills


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Mothers whose infants varied in early biological characteristics (born at term, n = 120; born at very low birth weight [VLBW], n = 144) were randomized to a target group (n = 133) or developmental feedback comparison group (n = 131) to determine whether learning responsive behaviors would facilitate infant development. The target condition included videotaped examples, problem-solving activities, and mothers' critique of their own behaviors through video procedures across 10 home visits. All target versus comparison mothers showed greater increases across multiple responsiveness behaviors observed in 4 assessments conducted across 6-13 months of age; changes in emotionally supportive behaviors were strongest for target mothers of infants born at VLBW. Increased maternal responsiveness facilitated greater growth in target infants' social, emotional, communication, and cognitive competence, supporting a causal role for responsiveness on infant development. Although benefits were generally comparable across risk groups, aspects of social and emotional skills showed greater change for those born at VLBW. Evidence for responsiveness as a multidimensional construct was provided as well as the importance of different aspects of responsiveness mediating the effect of the intervention on different infant skill domains.
机译:婴儿的早期生物学特征有所不同的母亲(足月出生,n = 120;出生时体重很轻[VLBW],n = 144)被随机分为目标组(n = 133)或发育反馈比较组(n = 131),以确定学习响应行为是否会促进婴儿发育。目标条件包括录像示例,解决问题的活动以及母亲通过10次家庭访问中的录像程序对自己的行为的批评。在6-13个月大的婴儿中进行的4次评估中,所有目标母亲和比较母亲的多重反应行为均表现出更大的增加;对于VLBW出生的婴儿,目标母亲的情感支持行为变化最明显。孕产妇反应能力的提高促进了目标婴儿的社交,情感,沟通和认知能力的更大增长,支持了反应能力对婴儿发育的因果作用。尽管收益在各个风险组之间通常是可比的,但社交和情感技能方面对出生于VLBW的人而言变化更大。提供了作为多维结构的响应能力的证据,以及响应能力不同方面调解干预对不同婴儿技能领域的影响的重要性。



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