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Emotional Contrast or Compensation? How Support Reminders Influence the Pain of Acute Peer Disapproval in Preadolescents


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When children experience habitual peer difficulties, adults often remind them that many people care about them. How do such reminders of support impact children's emotional responses to acute experiences of peer disapproval? Intuitively, support reminders would exert compensatory effects attenuating the emotional impact of acute disapproval. Theory suggests, however, that support reminders might also lead to contrast effects magnifying the emotional impact of acute disapproval, especially among socially vulnerable children. These opposing perspectives were pitted against each other. In 2 experiments, children (aged 9-13, M-age = 11.5) were randomly assigned to reflect on their relationships with either supportive others (support condition) or mere acquaintances (control condition). Children experienced acute peer disapproval immediately after (Experiment 1) or before (Experiment 2) the manipulated support reminder. Among children who experienced higher levels of peer difficulties in their daily life, the support reminder increased externalized emotional reactivity and decreased internalized emotional recovery following disapproval. Thus, consistent with emotional contrast theory, support reminders magnified the disapproval-based emotional responses of socially vulnerable children.
机译:当孩子遇到习惯性的同伴困难时,成年人常常提醒他们许多人在乎他们。这样的支持提醒如何影响儿童对同伴不赞成的急性经历的情绪反应?直觉上,支持提醒将产生补偿作用,从而减轻急性不赞成的情绪影响。然而,理论表明,支持提醒也可能导致对比效应,加剧了急性不赞成的情绪影响,尤其是在社会弱势儿童中。这些对立的观点相互抵触。在2个实验中,随机分配了儿童(9-13岁,M-年龄= 11.5)以反映他们与其他支持者(支持条件)或纯熟人(对照条件)的关系。在操作的支持提示之后(实验1)或之前(实验2),儿童经历了急性的同伴异议。在日常生活中经历较高同伴困难水平的儿童中,支持提醒增加了异议后的外在情绪反应,并减少了内在情绪恢复。因此,与情绪对比理论相一致,支持提示放大了社会弱势儿童基于不赞成的情绪反应。



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