首页> 外文期刊>Chromosome research: An international journal on the molecular, supramolecular and evolutionary aspects of chromosome biology >High chromosome conservation detected by comparative chromosome painting in chicken, pigeon and passerine birds.

High chromosome conservation detected by comparative chromosome painting in chicken, pigeon and passerine birds.


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Chicken chromosome paints for macrochromosomes 1-10, Z, and the nine largest microchromosomes (Griffin et al. 1999) were used to analyze chromosome homologies between chicken ( Gallus gallus domesticus : Galliformes), domestic pigeon ( Columba livia : Columbiformes), chaffinch ( Fringilla coelebs : Passeriformes), and redwing ( Turdus iliacus : Passeriformes). High conservation of syntenies was revealed. In general, both macro- and microchromosomes in these birds showed very low levels of interchromosomal rearrangements. Only two cases of rearrangements were found. Chicken chromosome 1 corresponds to chromosome 1 in pigeon, but to chromosomes 3 and 4 in chaffinch and chromosomes 2 and 5 in redwing. Chicken chromosome 4 was shown to be homologous to two pairs of chromosomes in the karyotypes of pigeon and both passerine species. Comparative analysis of chromosome painting data and the results of FISH with (TTAGGG)(n) probe did not reveal any correlation between the distribution of interstitial telomere sites (ITSs) and chromosome rearrangements in pigeon, chaffinch and redwing. In chaffinch, ITSs were found to co-localize with a tandem repeat GS (Liangouzov et al. 2002), monomers of which contain an internal TTAGGG motif.
机译:鸡染色体涂料用于大染色体1-10,Z和九种最大的微染色体(Griffin等人,1999),用于分析鸡(家鸡盖洛斯:Galliformes),家鸽(Columba livia:Columbiformes),花鸡( Fringilla coelebs:Passeriformes)和redwing(Turdus iliacus:Passeriformes)。揭示了高保守性。通常,这些禽类的宏染色体和微染色体都显示出非常低的染色体间重排水平。仅发现了两个重排案例。鸡的1号染色体与鸽子的1号染色体相对应,但是在燕雀中与3号和4号染色体相对应,在红翅中与2号和5号染色体相对应。事实证明,鸡的染色体4与鸽子的核型和两个雀形目物种的两对染色体同源。 (TTAGGG)(n)探针对染色体绘画数据和FISH结果的比较分析未发现间质端粒位点(ITSs)的分布与鸽子,燕雀和红翅中染色体重排之间有任何相关性。在燕雀中,发现ITS与串联重复序列GS共定位(Liangouzov等,2002),其单体包含内部TTAGGG图案。



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