首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur Jagdwissenchaft >Home range size and reproduction of female roe deer reintroduced into a Mediterranean habitat

Home range size and reproduction of female roe deer reintroduced into a Mediterranean habitat


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From 1995 to 1997, 52 males and 52 females, which had been captured in the Forest of Trois-Fontaines (Northeast of France), were re-introduced into the Petit Lubaron state forest (South of France). Among them 49 females (21 young [<1 year old] and 28 adults [>1 year old]) were monitored by radio-tracking. The mean annual home-range sizes (mean 95% MCP = 157 ha) were larger than those estimated in more temperate forests, but were smaller than in cultivated plains. In spring and summer, repeated visual observations allowed us to study the reproduction of the monitored does and the summer survival of their fawns. The mean number of fawns per adult female was 1.18 (SE = 0.13) and the mean number of fawns per doe with young was 1.59 (SE = 0.09). The fecundity of the does and the summer survival of their fawns were similar in our study area and in Trois-Fontaines (their area of origin).
机译:从1995年到1997年,在Trois-Fontaines森林(法国东北)捕获的52头雄性和52头雌性被重新引入Petit Lubaron州森林(法国南部)。其中有49名女性(21名[<1岁]年轻和28名[> 1岁]成人)通过无线电跟踪。年均家庭范围大小(平均95%MCP = 157公顷)大于在温带森林中的估计范围,但小于人工平原。在春季和夏季,通过反复的目视观察,我们可以研究所监测动物的繁殖情况及其小鹿在夏季的存活情况。每只成年雌性的小鹿平均数为1.18(SE = 0.13),而每只幼年母鹿的平均小鹿数为1.59(SE = 0.09)。在我们的研究区域和Trois-Fontaines(其原产地)中,它们的繁殖力和它们的小鹿的夏季存活率相似。



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