
Fresh ideas.


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A few months ago, I became stuck in what I now call my chicken quesadilla phase. Eveiy night for a week, I sprinkled cheese and grilled chicken onto a flour tortilla, toasted it to a golden brown, and served it with sour cream and salsa. Eveiy night. By Friday, I dreaded the very idea of dinner. I couldn't bring myself to think about cooking anything that night, but I was salivating over the idea of a fat, juicy burger... or a big bowl of spaghetti... or a rich slice of chocolate cake. Yes, I was in a food rut. Most on-the-go Americans can identify with my situation: A busy life causes a rut that results in boredom, which ultimately leads to bad food choices. You'll know you're in a food rut when the thought of preparing a meal fills you with despair instead of enjoyment. "Food becomes uninspiring because you've had it so many times and you don't know what else to eat," says Jennifer Stack, MS, RD, CDE, a registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator, and chef who teaches at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, N.Y. "When our meals are not very enjoyable or exciting, we tend to eat too much or look for that one thing [to satisfy us]." Yet not every food rut is bad. If you've eaten oatmeal every morning for the past 10 years, enjoy the taste, and reap health rewards, mixing things up in the kitchen may not be necessary. But if you feel tired and constrained by your food choices or make up for boring food with between-meal indulgences, it's probably time to try something new. Break the monotony with one of the four chef-tested tips that follow.
机译:几个月前,我陷入了我现在称为鸡肉油炸玉米粉饼的阶段。一周晚上,我将奶酪和烤鸡撒在面粉玉米饼上,烤至金黄色,并配上酸奶油和莎莎酱。平安夜。到星期五,我很害怕晚餐。那天晚上我无法考虑做任何事情,但是我为一个胖胖多汁的汉堡……或者一大碗意大利面条……或者一堆巧克力蛋糕而感到垂涎三尺。是的,我陷入了车辙。大多数外出旅行的美国人都可以认同我的情况:忙碌的生活会使人发情,导致无聊,最终导致糟糕的食物选择。当您准备做饭的想法让您感到绝望而不是愉悦时,您就会知道自己陷入了车辙。 “食物变得无用,因为您已经吃了很多次,而且您不知道还能吃什么。”注册营养师,注册糖尿病教育家,在烹饪学校任教的厨师,珍妮弗·斯塔克(Jennifer Stack)说,纽约州海德公园市的美国研究所“当我们的用餐不是很愉快或令人兴奋时,我们往往会吃得太多或寻找一件事[满足我们的需求]。”然而,并非所有的食物都是不好的。如果您在过去10年中每天早上都吃燕麦片,品尝一下味道,并获得健康的回报,那么就不必在厨房里混合一些东西。但是,如果您因选择食物而感到疲倦和束缚,或者因偏食而弥补无聊的食物,那么可能是时候尝试一些新的东西了。遵循以下四个经过厨师测试的技巧之一,打破单调。



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