首页> 外文期刊>Diabetes care >Impact of communicating familial risk of diabetes on illness perceptions and self-reported behavioral outcomes: a randomized controlled trial.

Impact of communicating familial risk of diabetes on illness perceptions and self-reported behavioral outcomes: a randomized controlled trial.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the potential effectiveness of communicating familial risk of diabetes on illness perceptions and self-reported behavioral outcomes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Individuals with a family history of diabetes were randomized to receive risk information based on familial and general risk factors (n = 59) or general risk factors alone (n = 59). Outcomes were assessed using questionnaires at baseline, 1 week, and 3 months. RESULTS: Compared with individuals receiving general risk information, those receiving familial risk information perceived heredity to be a more important cause of diabetes (P < 0.01) at 1-week follow-up, perceived greater control over preventing diabetes (P < 0.05), and reported having eaten more healthily (P = 0.01) after 3 months. Behavioral intentions did not differ between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Communicating familial risk increased personal control and, thus, did not result in fatalism. Although the intervention did not influence intentions to change behavior, there was some evidence to suggest it increases healthy behavior.
机译:目的:评估沟通家族性糖尿病风险对疾病认知和自我报告的行为结果的潜在有效性。研究设计和方法:患有糖尿病家族史的患者被随机分配以基于家族和一般危险因素(n = 59)或仅基于一般危险因素(n = 59)的危险信息。在基线,1周和3个月时使用问卷评估结果。结果:与接受一般风险信息的人相比,接受家族风险信息的人在1周的随访中认为遗传是糖尿病的更重要原因(P <0.01),对预防糖尿病的控制力更大(P <0.05),并报告三个月后进食更健康(P = 0.01)。两组之间的行为意图没有差异。结论:沟通家族风险增加了个人控制,因此没有导致宿命论。尽管干预措施没有影响改变行为的意图,但是有一些证据表明它可以增加健康的行为。



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