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10. N-Flex Seeks Funds for Development of Mobile Gas-to-Fertilizer Plant

机译:10. N-Flex为发展移动式燃气肥料厂寻求资金

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N-Flex LLC is asking for US$ 1 million from North Dakota regulators to help build a mobile plant that would convert natural gas into farm fertilizer, Associated Press reported. The unit is designed to operate at the site of oil production, in fields where natural gas is usually flared off. The North Dakota Industrial Commission will consider the request. The funding would cover about a quarter of the funding required to develop a pilot program that could be moved between oil wells in western North Dakota. Crude oil production has risen more than 400 percent in North Dakota since 2007. About a third of natural gas produced in the state is wasted as the construction of collecting systems and pipelines has not kept pace with the rise in oil production. Natural gas is a key ingredient of nitrogen fertilizer, the prices of which has risen in the past decades, Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said. "This has potential and I think it will work very well and the state will reap the rewards, said Goehring. Goehring, along with Gov. Jack Dalrymple and Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem make up the Industrial Commission.
机译:据美联社报道,N-Flex LLC要求北达科他州监管机构提供100万美元,以帮助其建造一座可将天然气转化为农用肥料的移动工厂。该装置设计用于在通常放出天然气的油田的生产现场运行。北达科他州工业委员会将审议该请​​求。这笔资金将占制定试点计划所需资金的大约四分之一,该计划可以在北达科他州西部的油井之间转移。自2007年以来,北达科他州的原油产量增长了400%以上。由于收集系统和管道的建设未能跟上石油产量的增长步伐,该州约有三分之一的天然气被浪费了。农业专员道格·戈林(Doug Goehring)说,天然气是氮肥的关键成分,其价格在过去几十年中一直在上涨。戈林说:“这有潜力,我认为它将发挥很好的作用,国家将获得回报。戈林与州长杰克·达尔林普尔和总检察长韦恩·斯坦尼赫姆一起组成了工业委员会。



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