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The Next Trend in Design


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In April 2011, Bruce Nussbaum, one of the foremost advocates of design thinking (DT), pronounced it a "failed experiment" (Nussbaum, 2011), After this summary verdict, Nussbaum asked, naturally enough, "What's next?" This article replies to that question. Nussbaum's own reply was interesting. He upheld what he called "humanistic design," and described it as "a huge advance in the field." However, he did not define, still less give examples of, humanistic design. Instead, he went on to outline a third concept - "creative intelligence," Around that concept, he plans to publish a book in late 2012. For designers and design managers, having an opinion about trends in design has always been important. In prewar America alone, industrial designers such as Henry Dreyfuss, Walter Dorwin Teague, Raymond Loewy, and Norman Bel Geddes positioned themselves as knowing a thing or two about the future. Fashion design, too, has long been oriented to color forecasting, and trend forecasting in general. Design managers have often pronounced one trend dead and upheld another one. Still, it is a bit new to do both of these things, and then say that a third designerly world view deserves a book.
机译:2011年4月,设计思维(DT)的最主要倡导者之一布鲁斯·努斯鲍姆(Bruce Nussbaum)宣布这是一次“失败的实验”(努斯鲍姆,2011年)。在做出这一简要判决后,努斯鲍姆自然地问道:“下一步是什么?”本文回答了这个问题。努斯鲍姆的回答很有趣。他坚持自己所谓的“人性化设计”,并将其描述为“该领域的巨大进步”。但是,他没有定义人文主义的设计,更没有给出例子。取而代之的是,他继续概述了第三个概念-“创意智能”,围绕该概念,他计划在2012年末出版一本书。对于设计师和设计经理来说,对设计趋势发表意见一直很重要。仅在战前美国,亨利·德雷福斯(Henry Dreyfuss),沃尔特·多温·蒂格(Walter Dorwin Teague),雷蒙德·洛维(Raymond Loewy)和诺曼·贝尔·吉德斯(Norman Bel Geddes)等工业设计师就把自己定位为对未来了解一两件事。服装设计也长期以来一直针对色彩预测和总体趋势预测。设计经理经常宣布一个趋势消失,并坚持另一趋势。尽管如此,同时做这两种事情还是有点新的,然后说第三种设计世界观值得一本书。



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