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Exercising attention within the classroom


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AIM To investigate whether increased physical exercise during the school day influenced subsequent cognitive performance in the classroom.METHOD A randomized, crossover-design trial (two weeks in duration) was conducted in six mainstream primary schools (1224 children aged 8-11y). No data on sex was available. Children received a teacher-directed, classroom-based programme of physical exercise, delivered approximately 30 minutes after lunch for 15 minutes during one week and no exercise programme during the other (order counterbalanced across participants). At the end of each school day, they completed one of five psychometric tests (paced serial addition, size ordering, listening span, digit-span backwards, and digit-symbol encoding), so that each test was delivered once after exercise and once after no exercise.RESULTS General linear modelling analysis demonstrated a significant interaction between intervention and counterbalance group (p<0.001), showing that exercise benefitted cognitive performance. Post-hoc analysis revealed that benefits occurred in participants who received the exercise intervention in the second but not the first week of the experiment and were also moderated by type of test and age group.INTERPRETATION Physical exercise benefits cognitive performance within the classroom. The degree of benefit depends on the context of testing and participants' characteristics. This has implications for the role that is attributed to physical exercise within the school curriculum.
机译:目的研究在上学期间增加的体育锻炼是否会影响教室随后的认知表现。方法:在六所主流小学(1224名8-11岁的儿童)中进行了一项随机,交叉设计试验(历时2周)。没有有关性别的数据。孩子们接受了以老师为指导的课堂体育锻炼计划,在一周中的午餐后30分钟左右交付了15分钟,而在另一周中则没有锻炼计划(参与者之间的顺序保持平衡)。在每个上学日结束时,他们完成了五项心理测验中的一项(节奏连续加法,大小顺序,听力跨度,数字跨度倒退和数字符号编码),因此每次测验在运动后和运动后进行一次结果总体线性模型分析表明干预与平衡组之间存在显着相互作用(p <0.001),表明运动有益于认知能力。事后分析显示,在实验的第二周而不是第一周接受运动干预的参与者会受益,并且受测试类型和年龄组的影响。解释体育锻炼有益于教室内的认知表现。受益程度取决于测试的背景和参与者的特征。这对归因于学校课程中体育锻炼的作用有影响。



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