首页> 外文期刊>Developmental dynamics: an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists >Characterization of a novel type I keratin gene and generation of transgenic lines with fluorescent reporter genes driven by its promoter/enhancer in Xenopus laevis.

Characterization of a novel type I keratin gene and generation of transgenic lines with fluorescent reporter genes driven by its promoter/enhancer in Xenopus laevis.


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We investigated the characteristics of a novel type I keratin gene in Xenopus laevis during ontogenesis. The transcript was first detected in the posterior region at the late neurula stage, and then restricted to the fin and external gill during embryogenesis. To examine the transcriptional regulation of the keratin gene in vivo, we generated transgenic lines with fluorescent reporter genes driven by its 4.2-kb upstream sequence. The promoter/enhancer activity recapitulated the endogenous gene expression during embryogenesis. Sequential deletion analyses revealed that the regions proximal to the promoter were essential for fin-specific expression. Reporter expression was detected in various organs, including the fin and gill. In particular, robust expression was observed in the developing limbs and gill. The reporter fluorescence rapidly decreased with internal gill resorption during metamorphosis. The transgenic lines carrying the promoter/enhancer should represent valuable tools for elucidating the formation, development and resorption of various organs, especially the gill.



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