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The evolving field of international mediation — Reflections on the Uppsala mediation days 2008


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The Uppsala mediation days were set up for 17 and 18 September2008, highlighting the memory of two towering individuals in thefield: Count Folke Bernadotte (who died on 17 September 1948) andUN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold (who died on 18 Septem-ber 1961). There is a strong tradition of Nordic involvement in me-diation in armed conflicts, at least since Bernadotte's time. Indeed, itgoes further back, as shown by the awarding of Nobel Peace Prizesto Swedes and Norwegians before and after the First World War: Ar-noldson, Branting, Lange and Nansen. There is continuous interna-tional resort to Nordic minds for difficult assignments, today reflectedin Norway's innovation in the Middle East – the Oslo process – de-scribed in this volume by Ambassador Mona Juul, Sri Lanka and inhumanitarian diplomacy; former Swedish Foreign Minister Jan Eli-asson's recent assignment to the Darfur conflict and former FinnishPresident Martti Ahtisaari's achievements, notably in Aceh (see hiscontribution in this volume). Martti Ahtisaari also delivered the an-nual Dag HammarskjOld Lecture on 18 September 2008.
机译:乌普萨拉调解日定于2008年9月17日至18日,以纪念该地区两个高耸的个人:福克·伯纳多特伯爵(1948年9月17日去世)和联合国秘书长达格·哈马舍尔德(1961年9月18日去世)。至少从贝尔纳多特时代起,就有北欧人参与武装冲突中的冥想的悠久传统。的确,这一趋势可以追溯到更进一步,正如第一次世界大战前后在瑞典和挪威获得诺贝尔和平奖的人所证明的那样:阿尔诺森,布兰廷,兰格和南森。北欧人不断寻求困难的任务来寻求国际上的帮助,今天反映在挪威在中东的创新-奥斯陆进程-斯里兰卡的蒙娜·朱尔大使和非人道外交对该卷进行了描述。瑞典前外交大臣扬·埃里·阿森(Jan Eli-asson)最近对达尔富尔冲突的任职以及前芬兰总统马丁·阿赫蒂萨里(Martti Ahtisaari)的成就,尤其是在亚齐(Aceh)中的成就。 Martti Ahtisaari还在2008年9月18日举行了一年一度的Dag HammarskjOld讲座。



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