首页> 外文期刊>Development Genes and Evolution >Knockdown of SPARC leads to decreased cell-cell adhesion and lens cataracts during post-gastrula development in Xenopus laevis

Knockdown of SPARC leads to decreased cell-cell adhesion and lens cataracts during post-gastrula development in Xenopus laevis


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SPARC is a multifunctional matricellular glycoprotein with complex, transient tissue distribution during embryonic development. In Xenopus laevis embryos, zygotic activation of SPARC is first detected during late gastrulation, undergoing rapid changes in its spatiotemporal distribution throughout organogenesis. Injections of anti-sense Xenopus SPARC morpholinos (XSMOs) into 2- and 4-cell embryos led to a dose-dependent dissociation of embryos during neurula and tailbud stages of development. Animal cap explants derived from XSMO-injected embryos also dissociated, resulting in the formation of amorphous ciliated microspheres. At low doses of XSMOs, lens cataracts were formed, phenocopying that observed in Sparc-null mice. At XSMOs concentrations that did not result in a loss of axial tissue integrity, adhesion between myotomes at intersomitic borders was compromised with a reduction in SPARC concentration. The combined data suggest a critical requirement for SPARC during post-gastrula development in Xenopus embryos and that SPARC, directly or indirectly, promotes cell-cell adhesion in vivo.



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