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Developmental immunotoxicity of atrazine in rodents.


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There is a substantial literature reporting that the developing immune system is more sensitive to toxic insult and that the measurable phenotype resulting from prenataleonatal exposure often differs from that seen in adult exposure models (reviewed in Holladay and Steven, and Smialowicz et al.). Atrazine is a common herbicidal contaminant of groundwater in agricultural areas in the USA. The potential immunotoxicity of atrazine has been extensively studied using adult-exposure models; however, few studies have explored its immunotoxicity in a prenatal and/or lactational exposure model. Prenatal/lactational atrazine exposure affects the function of young adult rodent immune systems in both sex- and age-dependant manners. In our studies, the humoural and cell-mediated immune responses of offspring from atrazine-exposed dams were assessed at two ages, 3 and 6 months of age to test the hypothesis that prenatal/lactational atrazine exposure would cause greater health complications as the mice aged. Male offspring showed a significant immunopotentiation at three moa that was not apparent at 6 months. Three-month-old female offspring showed no significant difference in immune response from controls. However, at 6 months, female litter mates showed a significant depression in their immune function. These results indicate a decreasing trend in immune capacity. Rooney et al. showed a significant depression of the immune function of young male rat exposure prenatally and lactationally to atrazine. These results demonstrate a sex- and age-dependant effect of prenatal exposure to atrazine on the immune system of the adult offspring using two rodent strains.
机译:有大量文献报道,正在发展的免疫系统对毒性侵害更敏感,而产前/新生儿暴露所产生的可测量表型通常不同于成人暴露模型(Holladay,Steven和Smialowicz等进行综述)。 。阿特拉津是美国农业地区常见的地下水除草污染物。使用成人暴露模型已经广泛研究了r去津的潜在免疫毒性。然而,很少有研究探讨其在产前和/或哺乳期暴露模型中的免疫毒性。产前/催产的r去津暴露会以性别和年龄相关的方式影响年轻成年啮齿动物免疫系统的功能。在我们的研究中,在两个年龄分别为3、6个月的大童中评估了暴露于at去津的大坝后代的体液和细胞介导的免疫反应,以检验假说:随着小鼠年龄的增长,产前/长期服用at去津会引起更大的健康并发症。雄性后代在三个moa时表现出明显的免疫增强作用,这在6个月时还没有发现。 3个月大的雌性后代与对照组的免疫反应无显着差异。然而,在6个月时,雌性同窝伴侣的免疫功能明显下降。这些结果表明免疫能力下降的趋势。鲁尼等。结果显示,年轻的雄性大鼠在出生前和哺乳期暴露于阿特拉津后,其免疫功能明显下降。这些结果表明,使用两种啮齿动物品系,产前暴露于at去津对成年后代的免疫系统具有性别和年龄依赖性。



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