首页> 外文期刊>Dendrochronologia >Contribution of dendrochronology to understanding of wood procurement sources for panel paintings in the former Southern Netherlands from 1450 AD to 1650 AD

Contribution of dendrochronology to understanding of wood procurement sources for panel paintings in the former Southern Netherlands from 1450 AD to 1650 AD


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Since the middle of the 1980s, dendrochronological analyses of panel paintings produced in the former Netherlands have demonstrated the near-exclusive use of oak from the Baltic region. Further, as Hillam and Tyers [1995. Reliability and repeatability in dendrochronological analysis: tests using the Fletcher archive of panel-painting data. Archaeometry 37 (2), 395-405] did for English paintings analyzed by Fletcher, the objective of the present work was to determine whether it was possible to distinguish different Baltic typologies in the wood used for paintings in the ancient Southern Netherlands from 1450 AD to 1650 AD. In this study, it appeared that the same three "English" typologies (BALTIC1, BALTIC2 and BALTIC3) were also found in the Southern Netherlands, in proportions varying by period. The diversity of Baltic typologies in England was interpreted by Hillam and Tyers (1995) as reflecting changes in the procurement sources for wood.In addition to this diversification of Baltic typologies in the Southern Netherlands, a Western European provenance was identified for 16% of the wood used in Flemish panels. The research focused on determination of the provenance of these non-Baltic oaks, by comparison between wood from painting panels and site chronologies for all of Belgium, the northern half of France and southwest Germany. Such comparison yielded a network of good correlations between the panel ring series and site chronologies along the Franco-Belgian Meuse and the French Moselle River.Dendrochronological dates obtained for the Flemish panels in the corpus clarify the period during which diversification of Baltic sources intensified. The parallel between the very high proportion of BALTIC1 type woods in Flemish panels before 1565 AD, and its progressive decrease until complete disappearance in the 1620 AD, and quantitative data from the Sound Toll Records, among others, led to interpret the BALTIC1 typology as representing the enormous hinterland exploited by the Gdansk port, the principal place of export for wood until 1565 AD. This port then decreased in importance until its disappearance at the beginning of the 17th century. Oaks closest to BALTIC2 and BALTIC3 types reflect the percentage of exports lost to the Gdansk competitors.The period of increase in the use of oaks of BALTIC2 and BALTIC3 typologies also coincides with the appearance of the use of Meuse/Moselle oaks. Explanations for these changes are in relationship to the politico-economic and religious contexts, in particular the wars of religion starting in the 1560 AD that destabilized Europe, and the separation of Northern and Southern Netherlands in 1585 AD.
机译:自1980年代中期以来,对前荷兰生产的板画的年代学分析表明,波罗的海地区的橡木几乎全部被使用。此外,如Hillam和Tyers [1995。树木年代学分析的可靠性和可重复性:使用Fletcher面板绘画数据档案进行测试。考古学37(2),395-405]对弗莱彻(Fletcher)分析的英国绘画所做的工作,本工作的目的是确定是否有可能区分古南荷兰自公元1450年以来用于绘画的木材中的不同波罗的海类型学。至公元1650年在这项研究中,似乎在荷兰南部也发现了相同的三种“英语”类型(BALTIC1,BALTIC2和BALTIC3),其比例因时期而异。 Hillam和Tyers(1995)认为英格兰波罗的海种类的多样性反映了木材采购来源的变化。除了荷兰南部波罗的海种类的多样化之外,西欧的起源也被确定为16%。佛兰德墙板中使用的木材。该研究的重点是确定这些非波罗的海橡木的产地,方法是将整个比利​​时,法国北半部和德国西南部的绘画面板上的木材与年代顺序进行比较。这样的比较在弗朗哥-比利时默兹河和法国摩泽尔河沿岸的板环系列与站点年代之间形成了良好的相关性网络。从语料库中的佛兰德族专家组获得的树年年代学数据阐明了波罗的海资源多样化加剧的时期。 1565年之前佛兰芒小组中BALTIC1类型木材的极高比例与其逐渐减少直至1620 AD完全消失之间的相似性,以及Sound Toll Records等提供的定量数据,导致将BALTIC1类型解释为格但斯克港口开发的巨大腹地,直到1565年都是木材的主要出口地。然后,这个港口的重要性下降,直到其在17世纪初消失。与BALTIC2和BALTIC3类型最接近的橡木反映了格但斯克竞争对手损失的出口百分比.BALTIC2和BALTIC3类型的橡木使用增加的时期也与默兹/摩泽尔橡木的使用相吻合。这些变化的原因与政治经济和宗教背景有关,特别是1560年开始的宗教战争使欧洲不稳定,以及1585年荷兰北部和南部分裂。



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