首页> 外文期刊>Dermatologic surgery >Five flaps, one cartilage: A one-stage reconstruction for a three-layer nasal defect over three aesthetic subunits

Five flaps, one cartilage: A one-stage reconstruction for a three-layer nasal defect over three aesthetic subunits


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Robert L. Sheridan's textbook Burns provides "a practical approach to immediate treatment and long-term care." This small book of only 128 pages is full of useful information on the treatment of all types of burns. Although dermatologic surgeons do not often see or treat large, acute burns, they see chemical burns, cold injuries, toxic epidermal necrolysis, purpura fulminans, and staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, all of which are discussed in this book. More and more, dermatologic surgeons are treating mature burns, especially with lasers and intense pulsed light. This is a lovely little book for anybody who is interested in or treats burns.
机译:罗伯特·谢里丹(Robert L. Sheridan)的教科书伯恩斯(Burns)提供了“一种即时治疗和长期护理的实用方法”。这本只有128页的小书载有各种烧伤治疗的有用信息。尽管皮肤科外科医生并不经常看到或治疗大面积的急性烧伤,但他们看到化学烧伤,感冒伤,中毒性表皮坏死溶解,暴发性紫癜和葡萄球菌烫伤的皮肤综合症,这些都在本书中进行了讨论。越来越多的皮肤科外科医生正在治疗成熟的烧伤,尤其是使用激光和强脉冲光。对于那些对烧伤感兴趣或治疗的人来说,这是一本可爱的小书。



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