首页> 外文期刊>Trees. Structure and Function >Changes with seasonal flooding in sap flow of the tropical flood-tolerant tree species, Campsiandra laurifolia.

Changes with seasonal flooding in sap flow of the tropical flood-tolerant tree species, Campsiandra laurifolia.

机译:热带耐旱树种Campsiandra laurifolia的汁液流量随季节性洪水的变化。

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In order to determine how flooding affects sap flow and hydraulic conductivity of the tolerant species, Campsiandra laurifolia, trees growing in a tropical seasonally flooded forest in Venezuela were studied. We hypothesized that trees respond to rising-waters with a decrease in root-water absorption, caused by hypoxia, and stomatal conductance, and that this is reverted later on through a process of acclimation that involves improvement in water absorption. We followed the seasonal changes, of trees with the whole or part of the canopy exposed to air, in sap flow density, leaf stomatal conductance, leaf transpiration rate and xylem water potential. The highest daytime sap flow density occurred at noon and its proportion relative to the yearly maximum (drainage at falling-waters) was 41 (dry season), 15 (flooding by rising-waters for 2 weeks), 54 (2 months of flooding) and 41% (6 months of flooding). Since at rising-waters dawn xylem water potential remained high, it became apparent that the initial stages of flooding imposed a restriction to sap flow unrelated to water deficit. The decrease at rising-waters in highest daytime sap flow density was due to reduced leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity, whereas the recovery observed 1.5 months later was correlated to an increase in hydraulic conductivity, and attributed to acclimation. Sap flow density was highly and positively correlated with radiation at all seasons but rising-waters; also, the relationship with air water vapor saturation deficit was high and significant on dates other than at rising-waters. Results suggest that early flooding inhibited water absorption by roots and that this inhibition was overcome later on at a higher water column through an acclimation process involving the improvement of internal aeration by adventitious roots.
机译:为了确定洪水如何影响忍耐树种的树液流量和水力传导率,研究了委内瑞拉热带季节性水淹森林中生长的樟树(Campsiandra laurifolia)。我们假设树木对缺水和气孔导度引起的根系吸水量的减少对上升的水有反应,并且这种情况稍后会通过涉及吸水率提高的驯化过程得以恢复。我们跟踪了树冠的全部或部分暴露在空气中的树木的季节变化,其液流密度,叶片气孔导度,叶片蒸腾速率和木质部水势。白天最高的树液流量密度发生在中午,相对于年最大树液的流量(落水的排水量)的比例是41(旱季),15(上升水淹没2周),54(洪水2个月)和41%(洪水6个月)。由于在上升水域的黎明,木质部的水势仍然很高,因此很明显,洪水的初始阶段限制了与水分缺乏无关的汁液流量。日间最高树液流量密度在上升水域的下降是由于叶片比水导率的降低,而1.5个月后观察到的恢复与水导率的提高相关,并归因于驯化。除了水位上升以外,所有季节的树液流量密度均与辐射呈高度正相关。此外,与空气中水汽饱和度不足的关系在除上升水位以外的其他日期都很高且很重要。结果表明,早期淹水抑制了根系对水分的吸收,后来在较高水柱处通过适应过程改善了不定根的内部通气,从而克服了这种抑制作用。



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