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Leaf flavonoid content in Quercus ilex L. resprouts and its seasonal variation


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Here, we provide the first report on flavonoid content in holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) leaves, analyzed by HPLC-MS/MS. Flavanols and flavonols were the predominant groups, although proanthocyanidins and many soluble tannins had a relevant presence in all leaf samples. Seasonal variation of flavonoids was determined in extracts from Q. ilex leaves during resprouting after a forest fire in two Mediterranean forests. Similar seasonal trends were observed over 2 years during the two main stress seasons (winter and summer). The most abundant flavonoid was the flavanol epicatechin, which showed similar values during the two seasons. Hexosides of the flavonols, quercetin, kaempferol and rhamnetin showed considerably higher content in winter, especially at the lowest temperatures. These variations in both forests are discussed on the basis of the chlorophyll fluorescence results obtained. Anthocyanins were found practically absent in mature leaves. Nutrient or water availability differences between sites or seasons were not related to changes in leaf flavonol-hexoside content.
机译:在这里,我们提供了第一个有关圣栎(Quercus ilex L.)叶片中类黄酮含量的报告,通过HPLC-MS / MS分析。黄烷醇和黄酮醇是主要的组,尽管原花青素和许多可溶性单宁在所有叶片样品中都有相关的存在。在两个地中海森林的森林大火发生后的重生过程中,从冬青树叶的提取物中确定了类黄酮的季节性变化。在两个主要压力季节(冬季和夏季)的2年中,观察到类似的季节性趋势。最丰富的类黄酮是黄烷醇表儿茶素,在两个季节中显示出相似的值。黄酮醇,槲皮素,山奈酚和鼠李素的六糖苷在冬季,尤其是在最低温度下显示出较高的含量。根据获得的叶绿素荧光结果讨论了两种森林中的这些变化。在成熟的叶子中几乎没有发现花青素。地点或季节之间的营养或水分利用率差异与叶片中黄酮醇己糖苷含量的变化无关。



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