首页> 外文期刊>Dalton transactions: An international journal of inorganic chemistry >Changes in the heme ligation during folding of a Geobacter sulfurreducens sensor GSU0935

Changes in the heme ligation during folding of a Geobacter sulfurreducens sensor GSU0935


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Ligand binding and substitution reactions are important for metalloprotein folding and function. The heme sensor of a methyl-accepting chemotaxis GSU0935 is a c-type cytochrome from the bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens. The heme domain switches one of its axial ligands from H _2O to a low-spin ligand, presumably Met, upon reduction. The study analyzes the stability and folding kinetics of the ferric domain. Guanidine hydrochloride denaturation yields the low-spin heme species arising from coordination of the ferric heme by non-native His residues. The population of the low-spin species further increases and then declines during protein refolding. Kinetics and mutational effects suggest that His54, from the N-terminal region of the domain, is the transient ligand to the heme. The capture and release of a non-native ligand within the compact partially-folded structures illustrates the flexibility of the heme environment in GSU0935, which may relate to the domain sensor function.
机译:配体结合和取代反应对于金属蛋白折叠和功能很重要。甲基接受趋化性GSU0935的血红素传感器是来自细菌Geobacter sulphreducens的c型细胞色素。血红素结构域在还原时将其轴向配体之一从H _2O切换到低自旋配体(大概是Met)。该研究分析了铁结构域的稳定性和折叠动力学。盐酸胍变性产生低旋转血红素种类,这是由于非天然His残基配位铁血红素引起的。低旋转物种的种群在蛋白质复性过程中进一步增加,然后下降。动力学和突变效应表明,来自结构域N端区域的His54是血红素的瞬时配体。紧凑的部分折叠结构中非天然配体的捕获和释放说明了GSU0935中血红素环境的灵活性,这可能与域传感器功能有关。



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