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Quantifying the Impact of Wellington Zoo's Persuasive Communication Campaign on Post-Visit Behavior


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Zoos potential to facilitate visitor conservation behavior is commonly articulated. Few studies, however, have quantified whether zoos' conservation messages result in visitors implementing the behavior. To test if zoo conservation messages are adopted at home, I implemented a persuasive communication campaign which advocated keeping cats indoor at night, a behavior that is a potential solution to cats depredating native wildlife. Furthermore, I tested if a public commitment (signing a pledge card) strengthened the relationship between on-site intention to engage in the behavior and actual implementation of the behavior at home. The conservation behavior was included in the twice-daily animal presentations in the amphitheater. A sample of 691 visitors completed a survey as they exited the amphitheater that measured their recall of the conservation behavior and intention to engage in the behavior at home. The last 311 visitors to complete the survey were asked to sign a pledge card which was publicly displayed in the amphitheater. Six weeks after their zoo trip, visitors were contacted and asked if they had implemented the behavior. Recall of the conservation behavior was high (91% for control, 100% for pledge group) and the entire pledge group had implemented the behavior whereas just half (51%) of the control group did. Furthermore, signing the pledge card strengthened the relationship between onsite intention and at home behavior (r=1.0 of for the pledge group and r=0.21 for the control group). Overall, the zoo's conservation message was recalled and behavior implemented at home. Zoo Biol. 34:163-169, 2015. (c) 2015 Wiley Periodicals Inc.
机译:人们普遍指出,动物园具有促进游客保护行为的潜力。然而,很少有研究量化动物园的保护信息是否导致游客实施这种行为。为了测试在家中是否采用了动物园保护信息,我进行了一次有说服力的宣传活动,该活动倡导将猫保持在夜间室内,这种行为是解决猫淘汰本地野生动物的一种潜在解决方案。此外,我测试了公共承诺(签署质押卡)是否加强了现场参与行为的意图与在家中实际执行行为之间的关系。圆形剧场每天两次的动物演示中都包含了保护行为。在退出圆形剧场时,有691名游客的样本完成了一项调查,该调查测量了他们对保护行为的回忆以及对家庭行为的意图。最后311名完成调查的访客被要求签署一份质押卡,该卡已在露天剧场公开展示。动物园旅行六周后,与访客联系并询问他们是否已实施该行为。回忆的保护行为很高(对照组为91%,质押组为100%),整个质押组均已实施该行为,而对照组中只有一半(51%)采取了这种行为。此外,签署质押卡加强了现场意图与家庭行为之间的关系(质押组的r = 1.0,对照组的r = 0.21)。总体而言,该动物园的保护信息被召回,并在家中实施了行为。动物园生物学。 2015年34:163-169。(c)2015 Wiley Periodicals Inc.



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