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Elevating the Priority of Zoo Animal Welfare: The Chief Executive as an Agent of Reform


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Chief executives are uniquely positioned to set priorities for the institutions and organizations they serve. For the duration of my career, spanning 40 years, 23 years as an institutional CEO, conservation has emerged as the highest priority of the zoo profession. However, it is widely understood that AZA institutions do not yet fund conservation at a level consistent with its importance. Based on a Task Force initiative that urged a transformational approach to sustainability and wildlife conservation, the AZA Board of Directors recently issued a statement (J. Maddy, personal communication, August 15, 2013) that included the following directive urging: […] all AZA‐accredited institutions to increase their commitment to conservation, achieving a level of support that will allow them to be defined individually and collectively as organizations committed to conservation of species in the wild.
机译:首席执行官具有独特的地位,可以为其所服务的机构和组织设定优先级。在我的职业生涯长达40年,担任机构首席执行官23年的整个职业生涯中,保护已成为动物园职业的重中之重。但是,众所周知,AZA机构尚未以与其重要性相符的水平资助养护。基于一个工作组倡议,该倡议敦促采用可持续发展和野生动植物保护的转型方法,AZA董事会最近发表了一项声明(J. Maddy,个人通讯,2013年8月15日),其中包括以下指导性声明:[…]全部经过AZA认证的机构增加了对保护的承诺,达到了一定的支持水平,可以将它们单独或集体地定义为致力于野生物种保护的组织。



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