首页> 外文期刊>Zoo Biology >Assessment of Adrenocortical Activity and Behavior of the Collared Anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) in Response to Food‐Based Environmental Enrichment

Assessment of Adrenocortical Activity and Behavior of the Collared Anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) in Response to Food‐Based Environmental Enrichment

机译:评估食粮对环境致富反应的食蚁动物(Tamandua tetradactyla)的肾上腺皮质激素活动和行为

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One of the current standard approaches to the study of animal welfare is measuring hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity, frequently in association with behavioral assessment. We studied the effects of food‐based environmental enrichment on adrenocortical activity and behavior in zoo‐housed collared anteaters (Tamandua tetradactyla; n?5). We successfully validated measurements of fecal cortisol metabolites (FCMs) using an 11‐oxoetiocholanolone enzyme immunoassay by stimulating (ACTH injection) and suppressing (dexamethasone administration) adrenocortical activity. Three months later, we subjected animals to an ABA‐type experiment (three 6‐week periods): pre‐enrichment (routine diet: A), enrichment (modified diet: B), and post‐enrichment (routine diet: A) periods. We assessed adrenocortical activity by collecting individual feces three times a week (total number of samples: 228), and evaluated behavior by performing 3 days of behavioral observations per period (with a total of 3,600 behavioral data points for the individuals studied). Statistical analysis revealed changes in FCM concentrations (μg/g) over the periods (3.04±0.68, 2.98±0.66, and 4.04±0.90, respectively). Additionally, it showed that the number of FCM peaks was highly reduced during enrichment; meanwhile active natural behaviors were significantly increased. We consider that these changes in response to food‐based environmental enrichment improved the welfare of individual zoo‐housed collared anteaters. This research might contribute to in situ and ex situ studies on the physiology and behavior of this endemic South American species. Zoo Biol. 32:632-640, 2013.
机译:目前研究动物福利的标准方法之一是测量下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺活动,经常与行为评估结合。我们研究了以食物为基础的环境富集对动物园饲养的圈养食蚁动物(Tamandua tetradactyla; n?5)肾上腺皮质活动和行为的影响。我们通过刺激(ACTH注射)和抑制(地塞米松给药)肾上腺皮质激素活性,使用11-氧代乙胆醇酮酶免疫分析法成功地验证了粪便皮质醇代谢物(FCM)的测量。三个月后,我们对动物进行了ABA型实验(三个6周周期):富集前(常规饮食:A),富集(改良饮食:B)和富集后(常规饮食:A)时期。我们通过每周收集三次粪便来评估肾上腺皮质活动(样本总数:228),并通过在每个时期进行3天的行为观察来评估行为(总共为研究的个体提供3600个行为数据点)。统计分析表明,在此期间(分别为3.04±0.68、2.98±0.66和4.04±0.90),FCM浓度(μg/ g)发生了变化。另外,它表明富集过程中FCM峰的数量大大减少了。同时,活跃的自然行为显着增加。我们认为,这些对基于食物的环境丰富化做出的改变改善了单个圈养的圈养食蚁动物的福利。这项研究可能有助于对该南美特有物种的生理和行为进行原位和异位研究。动物园生物学。 32:632-640,2013。



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