首页> 外文期刊>Vaccine >Protection of calves against cryptosporidiosis with immune bovine colostrum induced by a Cryptosporidium parvum recombinant protein

Protection of calves against cryptosporidiosis with immune bovine colostrum induced by a Cryptosporidium parvum recombinant protein


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Late gestation Holstein cows with low titres of antibody to the p23 antigen of Cryptosporidium parvum were immunized 3 times with 300μg affinity purified C. parvum recombinant protein (rC7) (immune cows, n=14), or left unimmunized (control cows, n=9). Colostrum was obtained from each cow and partitioned into identical aliquots of pooled immune colostrum or pooled control colostrum. 12 calves obtained at birth from another herd received either immune or control colostrum within the first 2 h, and again at 12 and 24 h of age. A total of 6 litres was given to each calf. Each calf was challenged orally with 107 C. parvum oocysts at 12 h of age and monitored for signs of cryptosporidiosis. All 6 calves administered pooled control colostrum developed severe diarrhoea (mean total faecal volume over 11 days = 8447 ± 5600 ml) and shed an average of 1.87 ± 1.66 X 1012 C. parvum oocysts; one died. None of the 6 calves administered pooled immune colostrum developed diarrhoea (mean total faecal volume = 740± 750 ml, p < 0.05), and they shed significantly fewer oocysts (3.05 ± 2.26 X 109, p < 0.05). The absence of diarrhoea and the 99.8% reduction in oocyst excretion indicates that immune bovine colostrum induced by immunization with C. parvum recombinant protein rC7 provides substantial protection against cryptosporidiosis in neonatal calves.
机译:用300μg亲和纯化的细小隐孢子虫重组蛋白(rC7)(免疫牛,n = 14)免疫3次,对小隐隐孢子虫p23抗原抗体滴度低的荷斯坦奶牛,或不进行免疫(对照牛,n = 9)。从每头牛获得初乳,并分成相同等分的混合免疫初乳或混合对照初乳。出生时从另一群牛获得的12头小牛在最初的2小时内以及在12和24小时龄时均接受了免疫或对照初乳。每只小牛总共吃了6升水。每只小牛在12 h时用107个C. parvum卵囊进行口服攻击,并监测隐孢子虫病的迹象。所有6只犊牛的对照组对照初乳均出现严重腹泻(11天内的平均粪便总量= 8447±5600 ml),平均脱落1.87±1.66 X 1012 C. parvum卵囊。一死。给予免疫初乳的6头小牛均未出现腹泻(平均粪便总量= 740±750 ml,p <0.05),并且它们排出的卵囊明显减少(3.05±2.26 X 109,p <0.05)。没有腹泻和卵囊排泄减少了99.8%,这表明用小毛衣原体重组蛋白rC7免疫诱导的免疫牛初乳为新生牛犊的隐孢子虫病提供了实质性的保护。



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