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The origin of developmental mechanisms underlying vertebral elements: implications from hagfish evo-devo


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The origins of the vertebral elements and the underlying developmental mechanisms have so far remained unclear, largely due to the unusual axial skeletal morphology of hagfish, one of two extant jawless vertebrate clades. Hagfish axial supporting tissue is generally believed to consist of the noto-chord and cartilaginous fin rays only. However, careful investigations of whether vertebral elements are truly absent in hagfish are scarce, and it is also unclear whether the axial skeletal morphology of the hagfish is an ancestral or a derived condition. To address these questions, we re-examined the axial skeletal morphology of the Japanese inshore hagfish {Eptatretus burgeri). Based on a report published a century ago which implied the existence of vertebral elements in hagfish, we conducted anatomical and histological analyses of the hagfish axial skeletal systems and their development. Through this analysis, we demonstrate that hagfish possesses sclerotome-derived cartilaginous vertebral elements atthe ventral aspect of the notochord. Based on (i) molecular phylogenetic evidence in support of the monophyly of cyclostomes (hagfish and lampreys) and jawed vertebrates (gnathostomes), and (ii) the morphology of the vertebral elements in extant gnathostomes and cyclostomes, we propose that the embryos of the common ancestor of all vertebrates would have possessed sclerotomal cells that formed the segmentally arranged vertebral elements attached to the notochord. We also conclude that the underlying developmental mechanisms are likely to have been conserved among extinct jawless vertebrates and modern gnathostomes.
机译:到目前为止,椎骨元素的起源和潜在的发育机制仍不清楚,这主要是由于ha鱼(两个现存的无颚脊椎动物进化枝之一)异常的轴向骨骼形态。一般认为,g鱼的轴向支持组织仅由三弦和软骨鳍组成。然而,缺乏对ha鱼中是否确实没有椎骨元素的仔细研究,也不清楚the鱼的轴向骨骼形态是祖先还是衍生条件。为了解决这些问题,我们重新检查了日本近岸咸鱼(Eptatretus burgeri)的轴向骨骼形态。基于一个世纪前发表的暗示暗礁鱼中存在椎骨元素的报告,我们对咸鱼轴向骨骼系统及其发育进行了解剖学和组织学分析。通过此分析,我们证明了g鱼在脊索的腹侧具有硬骨刀衍生的软骨椎骨元素。基于(i)支持圆齿动物(长嘴and和七lamp鳗)和颚脊椎动物(gnathostomes)的单系性的分子系统发育证据,以及(ii)现存的gnastostomes和cyclostomes的椎骨元素形态,我们建议所有脊椎动物的共同祖先将拥有巩膜细胞,这些细胞形成附着在脊索上的节段排列的椎骨元素。我们还得出结论,潜在的发育机制很可能在绝种的无颚脊椎动物和现代咬足动物中得以保留。



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