首页> 外文期刊>Zootaxa >Sparisoma choati, a new species of Parrotfish (Labridae: Scarinae) from the tropical eastern Atlantic

Sparisoma choati, a new species of Parrotfish (Labridae: Scarinae) from the tropical eastern Atlantic

机译:Sparisoma choati,来自热带东部大西洋的一种新的鹦嘴鱼(Labridae:Scarinae)

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The parrotfish Sparisoma choati is described from the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. It is genetically unique and also differs from its congeners by coloration as follows: initial phase individuals and females greyish brown to greyish red, with chinand belly paler and reddish brown scales irregularly distributed along flanks resulting in a general mottled appearance; terminal phase individuals with brownish red head and upper half of anterior two-thirds of body, ventral portion of central third ofbody bright yellow-green, posterior third of body dark greenish gray and dark spot on upper fifth of pectoral fin base. The new species is found in rocky reefs along the coast and oceanic islands off West Africa, from Cape Verde and Senegal south to theislands of Sao Tome and Principe and Angola.
机译:鹦鹉鱼Sparisoma choati被描述为热带东部大西洋。它在遗传上是独特的,并且在同色系方面也与同类物不同,如下:初生个体和雌性灰棕色至灰红色,china腹较浅,红棕色鳞片沿侧面不规则地分布,导致总体呈斑驳的外观;终末期个体,头棕红色,身体前三分之二的上半部分,身体中部三分之一的腹侧部分为亮黄绿色,身体后三分之一为暗绿色灰色,在胸鳍基部的上半部有黑点。从佛得角和塞内加尔南部到圣多美和普林西比和安哥拉等岛,在西非沿海和大洋岛屿的礁石中发现了新物种。



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