首页> 外文期刊>Zootaxa >Revision of the systematics of the cardinalfishes (Percomorpha: Apogonidae) based on molecular analyses and comparative reevaluation of morphological characters

Revision of the systematics of the cardinalfishes (Percomorpha: Apogonidae) based on molecular analyses and comparative reevaluation of morphological characters




Molecular analyses were conducted based on 120 of the estimated 358 species of the family Apogonidae with 33 of 40 genera and subgenera, using three gobioids and one kurtid as collective outgroups. Species of Amioides, Apogon, Apogonichthyoides, Apogonichthys, Archamia, Astrapogon, Brephamia, Cercamia, Cheilodipterus, Fibramia n. gen., Foa, Fowleria, Glossamia, Gymnapogon, Jaydia, Lachneratus, Nectamia, Ostorhinchus, Paroncheilus, Phaeoptyx, Pristiapogon, Pristicon, Pseudamia, Pterapogon, Rhabdamia, Siphamia, Sphaeramia, Taeniamia, Verulux, Vincentia, Yarica, Zapogon and Zoramia were present in the molecular analyses; species of Bentuviaichthys, Holapogon, Lepidamia, Neamia, Paxton, Pseudamiops and Quinca were absent from the analyses. Maximum-likelihood (ML), Bayesian (BA), and Maximum parsimony (MP) analyses based on two mitochondrial (12S rRNA-tRNA(Val) -16S rRNA, ca. 1500 bp; COI, ca. 1500 bp) and two nuclear DNA (RAG1, ca. 1300 bp; ENC1, ca. 800 bp) fragments reproduced two basal clades within the monophyletic family: one including a single species, Amioides polyacanthus, and the other comprising species of Pseudamia. All the other apogonid species formed a large well-established monophyletic group, in which almost identical 12 major clades were reproduced, with phylogenetic positions of four species (Glossamia aprion, Ostorhinchus margaritophorus, Pterapogon kauderni, and Vincentia novaehollandiae) left unsettled. Apogon sensu lato and recent Ostorhinchus (excepting O. margaritophorus) were divided into six and three major clades, respectively. Each of the recognized clades in the family was then evaluated for morphological characters to identify synapomorphies. Based on the results of the molecular analyses and the reevaluation of morphological characters, four subfamilies were proposed within the family: Apogoninae (including most of the species in the family), Amioidinae new subfamily (including Amioides, and based on morphology, Holapogon), Paxtoninae new subfamily (including Paxton, based only on morphology) and Pseudamiinae (including Pseudamia). Within the largest subfamily Apogoninae, twelve new tribes were proposed based on the 12 molecular clades and associated morphology: Apogonichthyini, Apogonini (mainly including species of Apogon sensu stricto), Archamiini, Cheilodipterini, Gymnapogonini, Ostorhinchini (including striped species of recent Ostorhinchus), Pristiapogonini, Rhabdamiini, Sphaeramiini (mainly including barred species of traditional Ostorhinchus, such as Apogonichthyoides, Jaydia and Nectamia), Siphamiini, Veruluxini, and Zoramiini. Two additional tribes are proposed based only on morphology: Glossamiini and Lepidamiini. For each of the 14 tribes, morphological characters were described. One new genus, Fibramia, type species Apogon thermalis, recently in Ostorhinchus, was described supported by morphology and molecular trees. A key to all genera is provided and all valid and uncertain status species are allocated to tribes and genera.
机译:分子分析是基于估计的358种无生殖科(Apogonidae)中的120种(40个属和亚属中的33个)进行的,使用了3个类bio科动物和1个科动物作为集体外群。阿米虫类,Apogon,Apogonichthyoides,Apogonichthys,Archamia,Astrapogon,Brebhamia,Cercamia,Cheilodipterus,Fibramia的种类。 gen。,Foa,Fowleria,Glossamia,Gymnapogon,Jaydia,Lachneratus,Nectamia,Ostorhinchus,Paroncheilus,Phaeoptyx,Pristiapogon,Pristicon,Pseudamia,Pterapogon,Rhabdamia,Siphamia,Sphaeramia,Yatricricami,Yatricricami,Yaricrica,Taenerica,Taeniamia在分子分析中分析中不包括本图维亚氏菌,霍拉普贡,鳞翅目,Neamia,帕克斯顿,普塞达米普斯和昆卡的树种。基于两个线粒体(12S rRNA-tRNA(Val)-16S rRNA,约1500 bp; COI,约1500 bp)和两个核线粒体的最大似然(ML),贝叶斯(BA)和最大简约(MP)分析DNA(RAG1,约1300 bp; ENC1,约800 bp)片段在单亲家族中复制了两个基底进化枝:一个包含一个物种,即Amioides polyacanthus,另一个则包含了假单胞菌。所有其他的单性生殖物种都形成了一个庞大的,完整的单系种群,其中几乎相同的12个主要进化枝被繁殖,其系统发育的位置(Glossamia aprion,Ostorhinchus margaritophorus,Pterapogon kauderni和Vincentia novaehollandiae)处于不稳定状态。 Apogon sensu lato和最近的Ostorhinchus(O。margaritophorus)分别分为六个和三个主要进化枝。然后评估该家族中每个公认的进化枝的形态特征,以鉴定突触型。根据分子分析的结果和形态特征的重新评估,提出了该科内的四个亚科:Apogoninae(包括该科的大多数物种),Amioidinae新亚科(包括Amoioides,并基于形态学,Holapogon), Paxtoninae新亚科(包括Paxton,仅基于形态)和Pseudamiinae(包括Pseudamia)。在最大的亚纲Apogoninae中,根据12个分子进化枝和相关的形态提出了12个新部落:Apogonichthyini,Apogonini(主要包括严格的Apogon sensu物种),Archaminii,Cheilodipterini,Gymnapogonini,Ostorhinchini(包括最近的Ostorhinchus的条纹物种), Pristiapogonini,Rhabdamiini,Sphaeramiini(主要包括传统的Ostorhinchus的禁止物种,如Apogonichthyoides,Jaydia和Nectamia),Siphamiini,Veruluxini和Zoramiini。仅根据形态提出了另外两个部落:格洛萨米尼和莱皮达米尼。对于14个部落中的每个部落,都描述了形态特征。形态和分子树的支持描述了一种新近生的纤毛虫属类型,即Apogon Thermalis,最近出现在Ostohinchus。提供了所有属的密钥,并将所有有效和不确定状态的物种分配给部落和属。



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