首页> 外文期刊>Zootaxa >Description of the male, redescription of the female and new records of Odo patricius Simon, 1900 (Araneae: Zoridae)

Description of the male, redescription of the female and new records of Odo patricius Simon, 1900 (Araneae: Zoridae)

机译:男性的描述,女性的重新命名和Odo patricius Simon的新记录,1900年(Araneae:Zoridae)

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The family Zoridae (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1893) is currently represented by 14 genera and 79 species distributed worldwide (Platnick, 2012), of which only the genera Xenoctenus Mello-Leitao, 1938 and Odo Keyserling, 1887 are present in Americas. Xenoctenus is represented by four species, all endemic to Argentina, while Odo has, so far, a total of 27 species distributed in Central America, South America, West Indies and Australia (Platnick, 2012). The type species of Odo is O. lenis Keyserling, 1887, a specimen female described from Nicaragua. The genus Odo has never been revised and given its wide distribution and number of species, it is probably a polyphyletic genus and a complete revision is required. Also, no new material of O. lenis or O. patricius has been described since 1900.As a result of a series of collections by the first author in recent years in the Tarapaca Region of northern Chile, several specimens from one species of the genus Odo were collected. To date, the only species described from Chile is Odo patricius Simon, 1900 and this species was easily identified by illustrations of the type and specimens provided by Dr. Diana Silva. Odo patricius was described by Simon (1900: 53) based on a brief description of shape the female epigynum: "Plaga genitalis ovato transversa, rufula, antice, in medio profunde et obtuse emarginata, utrinque rotunda et foveolata, in medio processu lato, arcuato, leviter canaliculato, apicem versus leviter ampliato et obtuso divisa". There has not been any subsequent reference of this species in Chile.
机译:Zoridae科(F.O. Pickard-Cambridge,1893)目前在全球分布有14属79种(Platnick,2012),其中美洲仅有Xenoctenus Mello-Leitao属(1938)和Odo Keyserling(1887)。 Xenoctenus代表四种特有种,均为阿根廷特有种,而到目前为止,Odo在中美洲,南美,西印度群岛和澳大利亚共有27种(Platnick,2012)。奥多(Odo)的类型种是雷尼科斯(O. lenis Keyserling),1887年,从尼加拉瓜描述成的雌性标本。 Odo属从未进行过修订,并且鉴于其广泛的分布和种类,它可能是多系属,需要进行完整的修订。此外,自1900年以来,没有描述过新的O.lenis或O.patricius的材料。由于第一作者近年来在智利北部塔拉帕卡地区进行的一系列收集,来自一个属的几个标本收集了Odo。迄今为止,从智利描述的唯一物种是Odo patricius Simon,1900年,该物种很容易通过戴安娜·席尔瓦(Diana Silva)博士提供的类型和标本插图加以识别。西蒙(1900:53)根据对雌性附睾的形状的简要描述来描述了Odo patricius:“生殖器卵原体,rufula,antice,在深浅的圆角和钝的边缘,在圆形的圆角和中叶,在中间的拉图,圆弧的地方,leviter canaliculato,apicem与leviter ampliato等。智利没有此物种的任何后续参考。



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