首页> 外文期刊>Zootaxa >Description of three new species of the deep-sea munnopsid genus Belonectes (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota) from the Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean

Description of three new species of the deep-sea munnopsid genus Belonectes (Crustacea, Isopoda, Asellota) from the Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean


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Three new species of the genus Belonectes Wilson & Hessler, 1981, from the munnopsid subfamily Eurycopinae Hansen are described from the deep Weddell Sea, Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Belonectes grasslei sp. nov., B. stoddarti sp. nov., andB. daytoni sp. nov. are the first species of the genus described from the region: previously only two species of Belonectes were known from the northeastern Atlantic and the Peru-Chile Trench, the southeastern Pacific. The modified diagnosis of the genusBelonectes and a key to the species of the genus are presented. The pattern of the total ventral sculpture of the natasome, a medial lobe of article 4 of the maxillipedal palp which is larger than article 5 and the navicular male pleopod 1 with its deepkeel are suggested to be additional important generic characters of Belonectes. The most useful characters to distinguish species of Belonectes are the size of article 1 of the antennula, the shape and size of the articles 3-5 of the maxillipedal palp,the shape of the distal margin of the male pleopod 1, the shape of distolateral part of the protopod of the male pleopod 2, the size and shape of the preanal ridge, and the size of the exopod of the uropod.
机译:在南方海洋大西洋深部的韦德尔海中,描述了来自芒氏Eu亚科Eurycopinae Hansen的三个新物种,即贝隆克特·威尔逊和海斯勒1981年的物种。 Belonectes grasslei sp.。十一月,B. stoddarti sp。十一月。代托尼公司十一月是该区域描述的第一个属:东北大西洋和东南太平洋的秘鲁-智利海沟仅发现了两种贝隆科。介绍了贝朗科的诊断方法和该物种的关键。鼻腔体的整个腹侧雕塑,比第5条更大的上颚足第4条的内侧叶和具有深龙骨的航海雄性腹足类动物1的模式被认为是贝隆科动物的其他重要的通用特征。区分贝类的最有用的特征是瓣膜第1条的大小,上颌ped骨3-5条的形状和大小,雄性腹足1的远端边缘的形状,外侧雄性腹足2的前足足的一部分,肛门前ridge的大小和形状以及尾足的外足的大小。



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