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National review of maternity care for women with HIV infection.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess adherence to the British HIV Association (BHIVA) 2001 guidelines for the management of HIV-infected pregnant women. METHODS: A survey and a case note review were carried out using structured questionnaires sent to providers of adult HIV care in the UK and Ireland. Participants were women with HIV infection who delivered a live or stillborn infant between October 2002 and September 2003. The main outcome measures were the appropriate use of antiretroviral therapy, the use and timing of elective Caesarean section, and support for the avoidance of breast-feeding. RESULTS: Of 186 centres, 100 (54%) responded with data on 501 eligible pregnancies. CONCLUSIONS: In general, practice was in accordance with the BHIVA 2001 guidelines. However, in a number of cases Caesarean sections were planned later than the recommended 38 weeks.
机译:目的:评估对英国艾滋病毒协会(BHIVA)2001年指南的艾滋病毒感染孕妇管理的依从性。方法:使用结构化问卷向英国和爱尔兰的成人HIV护理提供者进行了调查和病例笔记审查。参加者是2002年10月至2003年9月间分娩的活产或死产婴儿的HIV感染妇女。主要的结局指标包括适当使用抗逆转录病毒疗法,选择性剖腹产的使用和时机以及支持避免母乳喂养。结果:在186个中心中,有100个(54%)回答了501例合格妊娠的数据。结论:总体而言,实践符合BHIVA 2001指南。但是,在许多情况下,计划剖腹产的时间比建议的38周要晚。



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