首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie >Application of the OTSC system for the closure of fistulas, anastomosal leakages and perforations within the gastrointestinal tract.

Application of the OTSC system for the closure of fistulas, anastomosal leakages and perforations within the gastrointestinal tract.


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Until recently there has been no technique available which reproducibly and safely allowed endoscopic closures of penetrating defects within the digestive tract. With the new "over the scope clipping system" (OTSC system(R)), which regarding design and function is similar to a bear-trap, a method is available for the endoscopic closure of fistulas and perforations. Here, we present a series of 10 patients, in whom different penetrating defects within the digestive tract could be closed in 9 of 10 cases successfully by the OTSC system(R): fistulas (esophagotracheal, esophagopleural, gastrocutaneous and colovesical), perforations (after mucosectomy, after papillotomy and PEG misplacement) and anastomosal leakages (after gastrotomy and gastrectomy). In another case we demonstrate our first experience with the OTSC system(R) for the prevention of perforations during deep endoscopic R 0 resection of a T 1(sm1)G1 sigmoideal cancer after initial R 1 resection.
机译:直到最近,还没有可用的技术可重复且安全地允许内窥镜封闭消化道内的穿透性缺陷。借助新的“在范围上修剪系统”(OTSC system(R)),其设计和功能类似于熊夹,可用于内窥镜封闭瘘管和穿孔。在这里,我们介绍了一系列的10例患者,其中的OTSC system(R)可以成功闭合10例中的9例消化道内不同的穿透性缺陷:瘘管(食管,气管,食管,胸膜,胃和共乳),穿孔(后乳头切开术和PEG错位后进行粘膜切除术和吻合口漏术(胃切除术和胃切除术后)。在另一种情况下,我们证明了使用OTSC system(R)预防R 1最初切除后的T 1(sm1)G1乙状结肠癌深内镜R 0切除术中穿孔的首次经验。



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