首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie >Does the hospital cost of care differ for inflammatory bowel disease patients with or without gastrointestinal infections? - A case-control study [Unterscheiden sich die Behandlungskosten bei station?r betreuten Patienten mit einer chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankung mit und ohne gastrointestinale Infektionen? - Eine Fallkontrollstudie]

Does the hospital cost of care differ for inflammatory bowel disease patients with or without gastrointestinal infections? - A case-control study [Unterscheiden sich die Behandlungskosten bei station?r betreuten Patienten mit einer chronisch-entzündlichen Darmerkrankung mit und ohne gastrointestinale Infektionen? - Eine Fallkontrollstudie]

机译:对于有或没有胃肠道感染的炎症性肠病患者,医院的护理费用是否有所不同? -病例对照研究[对于有或没有胃肠道感染的炎性肠病住院患者,治疗费用是否有所不同? -案例对照研究]

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Objective: Gastrointestinal Infections have been implicated as possible causes of exacerbation of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or risk factors for severe flares in general. The introduction of the G-DRG reimbursement system has greatly increased the pressure to provide cost effective treatment in German hospitals. Few studies have compared the costs of treating IBD patients with or without gastrointestinal infections and none of them have specifically considered the German reimbursement situation. Methods: We performed a single center case-control retrospective chart review from 2002 to 2011 of inpatients with IBD (Department of Internal Medicine IV, University Hospital Jena) with an exacerbation of their disease. The presence of gastrointestinal infections (Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Yersinia, adeno-, rota-, norovirus and Clostridium difficile) was assessed in all inpatients with Cohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). IBD patients with gastrointestinal infections (n = 79) were matched for age to IBD patients who were negative for gastrointestinal pathogens (n = 158). Patient level costing (PLC) was used to express the total cost of hospital care for each patient; PLC comprised a weighted daily bed cost plus cost of all medical services provided (e. g., endoscopy, microbiology, pathology) calculated according to an activity-based costing approach. All costs were discounted to 2012 values. Results: Gastrointestinal infections in IBD patients were not associated with an increase in mortality (0 %); however, they were associated with 2.3-fold higher total hospital charges (6499.10 ? vs. 2817.00 ?; p = 0.001) and increased length of stay in hospital (14.5 vs. 9.4 days; p < 0.0001). Despite increased reimbursement by DRG for IBD patients with gastrointestinal infections compared to patients without infections (3833.90 ? vs. 2553.50 ?; p = 0.005), hospital care in these patients was substantially underfunded (deficit - 2496.80 ? vs. - 433.10 ?) because of increased length of stay with personnel costs, especially in UC. Conclusion: Inpatient hospital costs differ significantly for IBD patients with and without gastrointestinal infections, especially in ulcerative colitis, when care was provided in a single university hospital.
机译:目的:胃肠道感染被认为可能是导致炎症性肠病(IBD)加重的可能原因,或通常是严重耀斑的危险因素。 G-DRG报销系统的引入大大增加了在德国医院中提供具有成本效益的治疗的压力。很少有研究比较过有或没有胃肠道感染的IBD患者的治疗费用,而且没有人专门考虑德国的报销情况。方法:我们在2002年至2011年间对IBD住院患者(耶拿大学附属医院内科IV)加重了病情进行了单中心病例对照回顾性图表审查。在所有患有科恩氏病(CD)和溃疡性结肠炎(UC)的患者中评估了胃肠道感染(沙门氏菌,志贺氏菌,弯曲杆菌,耶尔森氏菌,腺病毒,轮状病毒,诺如病毒和艰难梭菌)的存在。 IBD胃肠道感染患者(n = 79)与胃肠道病原体阴性的IBD患者(n = 158)年龄相匹配。使用患者水平成本(PLC)表示每位患者的医院护理总费用; PLC包括加权的每日床位费用加上根据基于活动的成本核算方法计算的所提供的所有医疗服务的费用(例如,内窥镜检查,微生物学,病理学)。所有成本均折现为2012年的价格。结果:IBD患者的胃肠道感染与死亡率增加无关(0%);然而,它们与总住院费用增加2.3倍(6499.10?vs. 2817.00; p = 0.001)和住院时间增加(14.5 vs. 9.4天; p <0.0001)相关。尽管与没有感染的IBD患者相比,DRG对患有肠胃道感染的IBD患者的报销有所增加(3833.90对2553.50对; p = 0.005),但由于这些原因,这些患者的医院护理资金严重不足(赤字-2496.80对vs-433.10对)。因人事费用而增加的住院时间,尤其是在加州大学。结论:在单一大学医院提供护理时,有和没有胃肠道感染的IBD患者的住院医院费用差异很大,尤其是在溃疡性结肠炎中。



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