首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie >Celiac disease screening among healthy blood donorsa in hungary

Celiac disease screening among healthy blood donorsa in hungary


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Background: Celiac disease (CD) is a common chronic systemic autoimmune disease in Europe. The prevalence of CD in Hungarian children is estimated at 1.2-1.4%. To date, however, no data on adult CD prevalence has been published. Aims: Analysis of the serological evidence for CD among Hungarian adults in order to estimate its prevalence. Methods: Plasma samples from 4155 healthy blood donors were anonymously screened for circulating IgA autoantibodies by a highly sensitive tissue transglutaminase ELISA. Positive results were subsequently confirmed by endomysial antibody test. Results: Endomysial antibody test confirmed positivity in 25 samples suggesting a prevalence of CD of at least 0.6a??% (1:166). Since no identification on the samples was provided, no further examinations could be done on endomysial antibody positive individuals. Conclusions: The first serological screening study among healthy Hungarian adult blood donors showed a prevalence of CD similar to other central European countries and lower than that in Hungarian children. Among countries worldwide, the Hungarian prevalence of CD appears to be in the mid-range, although pediatric data suggest a higher prevalence.
机译:背景:腹腔疾病(CD)是欧洲常见的慢性全身性自身免疫性疾病。匈牙利儿童CD的患病率估计为1.2-1.4%。但是,迄今为止,尚未发布有关成人CD患病率的数据。目的:分析匈牙利成年人CD的血清学证据,以估计其患病率。方法:通过高敏感性组织转谷氨酰胺酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA),对来自4155名健康献血者的血浆样本进行了循环IgA自身抗体的匿名筛选。随后通过肌内膜抗体测试证实了阳性结果。结果:肌内膜抗体测试证实了25个样品的阳性,表明CD的患病率至少为0.6a -1%(1:166)。由于未提供样品鉴定信息,因此无法对肌内膜抗体阳性个体进行进一步检查。结论:在健康的匈牙利成年献血者中进行的第一项血清学筛查研究显示,CD的患病率与其他中欧国家相似,但低于匈牙利儿童。在全世界的国家中,尽管儿童数据表明匈牙利的CD患病率较高,但CD的匈牙利患病率似乎处于中等水平。



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