首页> 外文期刊>Hydrogeology journal >A hydrogeological type section for the Duna-Tisza Interfluve, Hungary

A hydrogeological type section for the Duna-Tisza Interfluve, Hungary

机译:匈牙利Duna-Tisza Interfluve的水文地质型剖面

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The Duna-Tisza Interfluve, Hungary has an agricultural economy but is plagued by severe problems of soil and wetland salinization despite 200years of intensive research. The study’s objective was to determine the origin of salts and the mechanisms of salinity distribution. To this end, flow-patterns and chemistry of groundwater were evaluated in a 100km×65km area, with emphasis on the Kolon- and Kelemenszék Lakes region. The lakes are located 13km apart and have chemically contrasting water and soil types. Two groundwater flowdomains were identified: a gravity-drive meteoric fresh water and an over-pressured deeper domain of saline water. The waters are channeled by a highly permeable gravel aquifer to the surface and may merge near Kelemenszék Lake, causing it to be saline. Kolon Lake receives meteoric groundwater only, hence its fresh chemical character. The cross-formational ascent of the deep waters, combined with the gravitational systems’ geometry and the flow-channeling effect of the nearsurface rocks, explains the contrasting chemistry between lakes, and the origin and pattern of soil salinization. The scheme is proposed as a generally valid hydrogeological profile for the interfluve, and has been named the Duna- Tisza Interfluve Hydrogeological Type Section.
机译:匈牙利的Duna-Tisza Interfluve拥有农业经济,但尽管经过200年的深入研究,却受到土壤和湿地盐碱化严重问题的困扰。这项研究的目的是确定盐的来源和盐度分布的机理。为此,在100km×65km的区域内对地下水的流态和化学性质进行了评估,重点是Kolon-湖和Kelemenszék湖区。这两个湖泊相距13公里,在水和土壤上形成化学对比。确定了两个地下水流域:重力驱动的流域淡水和盐水超压的较深域。海水由高渗透性的砾石含水层引导至地表,并可能在Kelemenszék湖附近汇合,成为咸水。科隆湖仅接受快速地下水,因此具有新鲜的化学特性。深水的跨形态上升,结合重力系统的几何形状和近地表岩石的流动引导效应,解释了湖泊之间化学性质的对比,以及土壤盐渍化的起源和模式。该方案被提议作为该岔道的普遍有​​效的水文地质剖面,并被命名为Duna-Tisza岔道水文地质类型剖面。



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