首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >Chlorella thermophila (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a novel thermo-tolerant Chlorella species isolated from an occupied rooftop incubator

Chlorella thermophila (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a novel thermo-tolerant Chlorella species isolated from an occupied rooftop incubator


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Open rooftop incubators may provide a cost-effective way for producing microalgal biomass for biodiesel production without requiring large land areas. While cultivating a Chlorella vulgaris strain with high oil content in a rooftop incubator, we identified an invading thermo-resistant green alga, which replaced the original culture. The isolated strain HTA1-65 had the typical Chlorella morphology with spherical cells and a cup-shaped parietal chloroplast. The protoplast contained a single pyrenoid traversed by a double-layered thylakoid and enveloped by a single starch sheath. The oil content of this strain was only 21.5 %, one third of the original strain. This strain grew at 42 A degrees C, with an optimum of 33 A degrees C. Heat treatment of 45 A degrees C for 3 h per day did not decrease its growth rate, suggesting that it has a high potential in biotechnological applications. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that HTA1-65 belongs to the genus Chlorella, but a specific relationship to any species was not indicated by nuclear and chloroplast small subunit rRNA genes. However, based on at least one compensating base change (CBC) and a few hemi-CBCs in the ITS2 secondary structure of closely related species, we describe strain HTA1-65 as a novel, thermo-tolerant Chlorella species, C. thermophila.
机译:开放式屋顶培养箱可能为生产生物柴油生产的微藻生物质提供经济有效的方式,而无需大面积土地。在屋顶培养箱中培养高油含量的小球藻菌株时,我们发现了一种入侵的耐热绿藻,该藻替代了原始培养物。分离的菌株HTA1-65具有典型的小球藻形态,具有球形细胞和杯状的顶叶叶绿体。原生质体包含被双层类囊体横穿并被单个淀粉鞘包裹的单个类胡萝卜素。该菌株的油含量仅为21.5%,是原始菌株的三分之一。该菌株在42 A摄氏度下生长,最佳温度为33 A摄氏度。每天在45 A摄氏度下进行3小时的热处理不会降低其生长速率,这表明它在生物技术应用中具有很高的潜力。系统发育分析表明,HTA1-65属于小球藻属,但与任何物种的特定关系都没有通过核和叶绿体小亚基rRNA基因表明。但是,基于密切相关物种的ITS2二级结构中的至少一个补偿性碱基变化(CBC)和一些半CBC,我们将HTA1-65菌株描述为一种新型的耐热小球藻物种嗜热衣藻。



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