首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >Present-absent: a chronicle of the dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense from Lake Kinneret

Present-absent: a chronicle of the dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense from Lake Kinneret


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A long-term record dating back to the 1960s indicates that Peridinium gatunense, an armored dinoflagellate, dominated the phytoplankton of Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee, Israel) until the mid-1990s, with a relatively stable spring bloom. However, since 1996, these blooms became irregular, failing to develop in 10 out of the past 16 years. During the later period, a significant correlation (R2=0.605, P=0.013) was found between annual peak P. gatunense biomass and riverine inflow volume. In-lake surveys showed that patches of high P. gatunense densities were associated with water enriched with fresher inflowing Jordan River water. Supplementing laboratory cultures of P. gatunense with Hula Valley water stimulated its growth relative to un-enriched controls. A likely explanation to the recent irregular blooms of this dinoflagellate is a hydrological modification that was made in the catchment in the mid-1990s, preventing Hula Valley water from reaching Lake Kinneret in most years-except for exceptionally wet years. We propose that until the mid-1990s, the Jordan River water enriched Lake Kinneret with a growth factor (a microelement and/or organic compound) originating in the Hula Valley, which in recent years has arrived in sufficient quantities to support a bloom only in high-rainfall years.
机译:可以追溯到1960年代的长期记录表明,直到1990年代中期为止,铠甲甲鞭毛的Peridinium gatunense一直主导着Kinneret湖(以色列加利利海)的浮游植物,春季开花相对稳定。但是,自1996年以来,这些花开变得不规则,在过去16年中有10年没有发展。在后期,年高峰P. gatunense生物量与河流入流量之间存在显着相关性(R 2 = 0.605,P = 0.013)。湖泊内调查表明,高密度的P. gatunense斑块与富含新鲜的流入约旦河水的水有关。相对于未富集的对照,呼拉谷水补充实验室病原菌可刺激其生长。对这种鞭毛藻最近不规则开花的一个可能的解释是,在1990年代中期在流域进行了水文改良,这在大多数年份中都阻止呼拉河谷的水到达Kinneret湖,除了异常潮湿的年份。我们建议,直到1990年代中期,约旦河的水使Kinneret湖富集,并有一种生长因子(一种微量元素和/或有机化合物),这种生长因子起源于呼啦谷,近年来已到了足够的数量,只能在高降雨年份。



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