首页> 外文期刊>Human Reproduction >Associations between andrological measures, hormones and semen quality in fertile Australian men: inverse relationship between obesity and sperm output.

Associations between andrological measures, hormones and semen quality in fertile Australian men: inverse relationship between obesity and sperm output.


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BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization developed a time to pregnancy (TTP) study (number of menstrual cycles taken to conceive) to determine whether the average TTP is increasing and semen quality decreasing with time. The present study describes clinical, semen and hormone characteristics obtained from male partners of pregnant women in Melbourne, Australia, and examines the associations between these characteristics. METHODS: Male partners (n = 225) of pregnant women (16-32 weeks) who conceived naturally had physical examination, health and lifestyle questionnaires, semen and hormone (FSH, LH, sex hormone-binding globulin, testosterone and Inhibin B) analyses. RESULTS: Previously known associations between semen, hormone and clinical variables were confirmed as significant: sperm numbers (concentration and total sperm count) correlated positively with Inhibin B and inversely with FSH and left varicocele, while total testicular volume correlated positively with sperm numbers and Inhibin B and inversely with FSH. However, only abstinence, total testicular volume, varicocele grade and obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2) were independently significantly related to total sperm count. Compared with those with BMI < 30 (n = 188), obese subjects (n = 35) had significantly lower total sperm count (mean 324 versus 231 million, P = 0.013) and Inhibin B (187 versus 140 pg/ml, P < 0.001) but not FSH (3.4 versus 4.0 IU/l, P = 0.6). CONCLUSIONS: Obese fertile men appear to have reduced testicular function. Whether this is cause or effect, i.e. adiposity impairing spermatogenesis or reduced testicular function promoting fat deposition, remains to be determined.
机译:背景:世界卫生组织(WHO)开展了一项怀孕时间(TTP)研究(怀孕的月经周期数),以确定平均TTP是否随着时间增加而精液质量下降。本研究描述了从澳大利亚墨尔本孕妇的男性伴侣获得的临床,精液和激素特征,并研究了这些特征之间的关联。方法:自然怀孕的孕妇(16-32周)的男性伴侣(n = 225)进行了身体检查,健康和生活方式调查表,精液和激素(FSH,LH,性激素结合球蛋白,睾丸激素和抑制素B)分析。结果:先前已知的精液,激素和临床变量之间的关联被确认为显着:精子数量(浓度和总精子数量)与抑制素B正相关,与FSH和左精索静脉曲张呈负相关,而总睾丸体积与精子数量和抑制素正相关。 B,与FSH相反。但是,只有节制,总睾丸体积,精索静脉曲张分级和肥胖(BMI> 30 kg / m2)才与总精子数量显着相关。与BMI <30(n = 188)的受试者相比,肥胖受试者(n = 35)的总精子数量显着降低(平均324比2.31亿,P = 0.013)和抑制素B(187比140 pg / ml,P < 0.001),而不是FSH(3.4对4.0 IU / l,P = 0.6)。结论:肥胖可育男性似乎睾丸功能降低。这是原因还是结果,即肥胖会损害精子发生还是睾丸功能下降会促进脂肪沉积,尚待确定。



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