首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Soil moisture modelling of a SMOS pixel: Interest of using the PERSIANN database over the Valencia Anchor Station

Soil moisture modelling of a SMOS pixel: Interest of using the PERSIANN database over the Valencia Anchor Station


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In the framework of Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Calibration/Validation (Cal/Val) activities, this study addresses the use of the PERSIANN-CCS~1database in hydrological applications to accurately simulate a whole SMOS pixel by representing the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the soil moisture fields over a wide area (50×50 km ~2). The study focuses on the Valencia Anchor Station (VAS) experimental site, in Spain, which is one of the main SMOS Cal/Val sites in Europe. A faithful representation of the soil moisture distribution at SMOS pixel scale (50×50 km~2) requires an accurate estimation of the amount and temporal/spatial distribution of precipitation. To quantify the gain of using the comprehensive PERSIANN database instead of sparsely distributed rain gauge measurements, comparisons between in situ observations and satellite rainfall data are done both at point and areal scale. An overestimation of the satellite rainfall amounts is observed in most of the cases (about 66%) but the precipitation occurrences are in general retrieved (about 67%). To simulate the high variability in space and time of surface soil moisture, a Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) model - ISBA (Interactions between Soil Biosphere Atmosphere) is used. The interest of using satellite rainfall estimates as well as the influence that the precipitation events can induce on the modelling of the water content in the soil is depicted by a comparison between different soil moisture data. Point-like and spatialized simulated data using rain gauge observations or PERSIANN - CCS database as well as ground measurements are used. It is shown that a good adequacy is reached in most part of the year, the precipitation differences having less impact upon the simulated soil moisture. The behaviour of simulated surface soil moisture at SMOS scale is verified by the use of remote sensing data from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on Earth observing System (AMSR-E). We show that the PERSIANN database provides useful information at temporal and spatial scales in the context of soil moisture retrieval.
机译:在土壤水分和海洋盐度(SMOS)校准/验证(Cal / Val)活动的框架下,本研究致力于在水文应用中使用PERSIANN-CCS〜1数据库来通过表示空间和时间来精确模拟整个SMOS像素土壤水分场在50×50 km〜2范围内的非均质性该研究的重点是西班牙的瓦伦西亚锚固站(VAS)实验点,这是欧洲主要的SMOS Cal / Val点之一。如要真实地表示SMOS像素尺度(50×50 km〜2)上的土壤水分分布,需要准确估算降水量和时空分布。为了量化使用全面的PERSIANN数据库而不是稀疏分布的雨量计测量值的收益,在点和面尺度上都进行了实地观测与卫星降雨量数据之间的比较。在大多数情况下(约66%)观测到卫星降水量被高估了,但总体上可以发现降水发生(约67%)。为了模拟地表土壤水分的时空高度变化性,我们使用了土壤植被大气转移(SVAT)模型-ISBA(土壤生物圈大气之间的相互作用)。通过不同土壤水分数据之间的比较,描述了使用卫星降雨估计值以及降雨事件可能对土壤中水分含量建模产生的影响的兴趣。使用雨量计观测值或PERSIANN-CCS数据库进行点状和空间化的模拟数据以及地面测量。结果表明,一年中的大部分时间都达到了足够的饱和度,降水差异对模拟土壤水分的影响较小。通过使用来自地球观测系统高级微波扫描辐射计(AMSR-E)的遥感数据,验证了SMOS规模的模拟地表土壤水分的行为。我们表明,PERSIANN数据库可在土壤水分检索的背景下在时空尺度上提供有用的信息。



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