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Modelling the recovery of surface water chemistry and the ecological implications in the British uplands


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The MAGIC (Model of Acidification of Groundwaters in Catchments) model has been calibrated to three acid sensitive regions in the UK: Galloway, the South Pennines and Wales. These calibrations use the best available data for surface water, soil and deposition, from several UK data bases and regional sampling programmes. The model is capable of reproducing observed base cation and acid anion concentrations as reflected by a close match between observed and simulated acid neutralising capacity (ANC). Predictions to 2016 under currently agreed emission reductions, the Gothenburg Protocol, show that ANC greater than zero will be achieved at 100%, 86% and 100% of sites in Galloway, the Pennines and Wales, respectively. This indicates the potential for biological recovery and a return to 'good status' although chemical conditions remain some way from simulated pre-acidification conditions. In the longer term, beyond 2036 (20 years after compliance with the Gothenburg protocol), the model indicates that increased N leakage to surface waters may cause deterioration in the chemical status. [References: 32]
机译:MAGIC(集水区地下水酸化模型)模型已针对英国的三个酸敏感区域进行了校准:盖洛韦,南宾夕法尼亚和威尔士。这些校准使用了来自英国多个数据库和区域采样计划的地表水,土壤和沉积物的最佳可用数据。该模型能够复制观察到的碱性阳离子和酸阴离子浓度,这由观察到的和模拟的酸中和能力(ANC)之间的紧密匹配反映出来。根据目前商定的减排量,《哥德堡议定书》对2016年的预测表明,分别在盖洛韦,佩尼尼斯和威尔士的100%,86%和100%的厂址将实现ANC大于零。这表明生物恢复和恢复“良好状态”的潜力,尽管化学条件与模拟的预酸化条件仍有一定距离。从长远来看,超过2036年(遵守哥德堡协议后的20年),该模型表明氮向地表水的泄漏增加可能会导致化学状态恶化。 [参考:32]



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