首页> 外文期刊>Hypertension: An Official Journal of the American Heart Association >Eligibility for renal denervation: Experience at 11 European expert centers

Eligibility for renal denervation: Experience at 11 European expert centers


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Based on the SYMPLICITY studies and CE (Conformité Européenne) certification, renal denervation is currently applied as a novel treatment of resistant hypertension in Europe. However, information on the proportion of patients with resistant hypertension qualifying for renal denervation after a thorough work-up and treatment adjustment remains scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the proportion of patients eligible for renal denervation and the reasons for noneligibility at 11 expert centers participating in the European Network COordinating Research on renal Denervation in treatment-resistant hypertension (ENCOReD). The analysis included 731 patients. Age averaged 61.6 years, office blood pressure at screening was 177/96 mm Hg, and the number of blood pressure-lowering drugs taken was 4.1. Specialists referred 75.6% of patients. The proportion of patients eligible for renal denervation according to the SYMPLICITY HTN- 2 criteria and each center's criteria was 42.5% (95% confidence interval, 38.0%-47.0%) and 39.7% (36.2%-43.2%), respectively. The main reasons of noneligibility were normalization of blood pressure after treatment adjustment (46.9%), unsuitable renal arterial anatomy (17.0%), and previously undetected secondary causes of hypertension (11.1%). In conclusion, after careful screening and treatment adjustment at hypertension expert centers, only ≈40% of patients referred for renal denervation, mostly by specialists, were eligible for the procedure. The most frequent cause of ineligibility (approximately half of cases) was blood pressure normalization after treatment adjustment by a hypertension specialist. Our findings highlight that hypertension centers with a record in clinical experience and research should remain the gatekeepers before renal denervation is considered.
机译:根据SYMPLICITY研究和CE(ConformitéEuropéenne)认证,肾去神经支配术目前在欧洲被用作抗高血压的新疗法。然而,关于缺乏抵抗力的高血压患者在经过彻底的检查和治疗调整后有资格进行神经支配的比例的信息仍然很少。这项研究的目的是调查参加欧洲抗高血压药物肾去神经网络协调研究的11个专家中心的肾脏去神经合格患者的比例以及不合格的原因。该分析包括731名患者。年龄平均为61.6岁,筛查时的办公室血压为177/96 mm Hg,服用降压药的次数为4.1。专家介绍了75.6%的患者。根据SYMPLICITY HTN-2标准和每个中心的标准,有资格进行肾神经支配的患者比例分别为42.5%(95%置信区间,38.0%-47.0%)和39.7%(36.2%-43.2%)。不合格的主要原因是治疗调整后血压恢复正常(46.9%),肾动脉解剖结构不适当(17.0%)和先前未发现的高血压继发原因(11.1%)。总之,在高血压专家中心进行了仔细的筛查和治疗调整后,只有约40%的患者接受了肾脏去神经支配,其中大多数是由专家进行的,才有资格接受该手术。不合格的最常见原因(大约一半)是由高血压专科医生调整治疗后的血压正常化。我们的研究结果表明,在考虑肾脏去神经支配之前,具有临床经验和研究记录的高血压中心应继续作为看门人。


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