首页> 外文期刊>Hypertension: An Official Journal of the American Heart Association >Central sympathetic inhibition by mineralocorticoid receptor but not angiotensin ii type 1 receptor blockade: Are prescribed doses too low?

Central sympathetic inhibition by mineralocorticoid receptor but not angiotensin ii type 1 receptor blockade: Are prescribed doses too low?

机译:盐皮质激素受体对中枢性交感神经的抑制作用,但对血管紧张素II 1型受体的抑制作用不大:处方剂量是否太低?

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Chronic sympathetic hyperactivity, characteristic of the majority of patients with hypertension or heart failure, can contribute to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality via a number of actions. Pharmacological strategies to prevent these adverse effects have had variable success. beta-Blockers clearly benefit patients with heart failure but have less definitive effects in patients with hypertension, whereas alpha_1-blockers or centrally acting agents have shown mixed results, and all of these classes can cause bothersome adverse effects. Device-based approaches, such as baroreflex activation therapy and renal denervation, have been shown to lower sympathetic activity in patients with hypertension, but beneficial actions on cardiovascular outcomes have yet to be demonstrated.
机译:慢性交感神经亢进是大多数高血压或心力衰竭患者的特征,可通过多种作用导致心血管发病和死亡。预防这些不良反应的药理策略取得了不同程度的成功。 β受体阻滞剂显然可以使心力衰竭患者受益,但对高血压患者的确定性作用较弱,而α_1受体阻滞剂或中枢作用剂却显示出不同的结果,所有这些类别都可能引起麻烦的不良反应。已经显示出基于设备的方法,例如压力反射激活疗法和肾神经支配术,可以降低高血压患者的交感神经活动,但尚未证明对心血管结局的有益作用。



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