首页> 外文期刊>Chemical geology >Trace and rare-earth element geochemistry in tourmaline and cassiterite from the Yunlong tin deposit, Yunnan, China: implication for migmatitic-hydrothermal fluid evolution and ore genesis

Trace and rare-earth element geochemistry in tourmaline and cassiterite from the Yunlong tin deposit, Yunnan, China: implication for migmatitic-hydrothermal fluid evolution and ore genesis


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Yunlong tin deposit is a medial-sized hydrothermal deposit in western Yunnan province of China. This deposit is unusual because the tin mineralization occurs exclusively within the migmatite bodies. The genesis of the ore deposit has been hotly debated and various models have been proposed including granite-related magmatic - hydrothermal and migmatitichydrothennal origins. This paper reports a systematic trace and rare-earth elements (REE) geochemical study in tourmaline and cassiterite from the orebodies and associated migmatites from the Yunlong tin deposit. Tourmaline and cassiterite from this deposit show light REE (LREE)-enriched patterns with variable Eu and Ce anomalies consistent with hydrothermal fluids being derived from local high-grade metamorphism and migmatization. The data suggest that tourmaline and cassiterite were likely precipitated from migmatitic-hydrothennal fluids and indicate that the Yunlong tin deposit was probably formed during migmatitic-hydrothennal process. The high concentrations of transition metals (e.g., Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, and Zn) in tourmalines are also consistent with this model. The high concentrations of Sn, Sr, and especially Sc, V, and Cr in tourmalines can be used to discriminate tourmaline from barTen deposits relative to those associated with economic tin mineralization. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
机译:云龙锡矿床是中国云南西部中等规模的热液矿床。这种沉积物是罕见的,因为锡矿化仅发生在蒙脱石体内。矿床的成因一直受到热烈讨论,并提出了各种模型,包括与花岗岩有关的岩浆-热液和多晶水热成因。本文报道了来自云龙锡矿床的矿体和伴生的辉石岩中的电气石和锡石中的痕量和稀土元素(REE)地球化学研究。该矿床中的电气石和锡石显示出轻稀土(LREE)富集的模式,具有异常的Eu和Ce异常,这与源自局部高级变质作用和迁移作用的热液流体一致。数据表明,电气石和水合液中可能沉淀有电气石和锡石,表明云母和水合过程中可能形成了云龙锡矿床。电气石中高浓度的过渡金属(例如Sc,Ti,V,Cr,Mn和Zn)也与此模型一致。相对于与经济锡矿化有关的沉积物,电气石中高浓度的Sn,Sr,尤其是Sc,V和Cr可以将电气石与barTen矿床区分开。 (C)2004 Elsevier B.V保留所有权利。



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