首页> 外文期刊>Biological research for nursing >Recovery Sleep Does Not Mitigate the Effects of Prior Sleep Loss on Paclitaxel-Induced Mechanical Hypersensitivity in Sprague-Dawley Rats

Recovery Sleep Does Not Mitigate the Effects of Prior Sleep Loss on Paclitaxel-Induced Mechanical Hypersensitivity in Sprague-Dawley Rats


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Society has a rapidly growing accumulative sleep debt due to employment obligations and lifestyle choices that limit sleep opportunities. The degree to which poor sleep may set the stage for adverse symptom outcomes among more than 1.7 million persons who will be diagnosed with cancer is not entirely understood. Paclitaxel (PAC), a commonly used chemotherapy agent, is associated with painful, debilitating peripheral neuropathy of the hands and feet, which may persist long after adjuvant therapy is completed. The aims of this preclinical study were to determine the accumulative and sustained effects of sleep restriction on PAC-induced mechanical sensitivity in animals and whether there are male-female differences in mechanical sensitivity in PAC-injected animals. Sixty-two adult Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 31 females) were assigned to three cycles of intraperitoneal injections of PAC (1 mg/kg) versus vehicle (VEH; 1 ml/kg) every other day at light onset for 7 days, followed by seven drug-free days and to sleep restriction versus unperturbed sleep. Sleep restriction involved gentle handling to maintain wakefulness during the first 6 hr of lights on immediately following an injection; otherwise, sleep was unperturbed. Mechanical sensitivity was assessed via von Frey filaments, using the up-down method. Mechanical sensitivity data were Log(10) transformed to meet the assumption of normality for repeated measures analysis of variance. Chronic sleep restriction of the PAC-injected animals resulted in significantly increased mechanical sensitivity that progressively worsened despite sleep recovery opportunities. If these relationships hold in humans, targeted sleep interventions employed during a PAC protocol may improve pain outcomes.
机译:由于就业义务和生活方式的选择限制了睡眠机会,社会累积的睡眠债务迅速增加。尚不完全清楚睡眠不足可能为超过170万被诊断出患有癌症的人提供不良症状结果的阶段。紫杉醇(PAC)是一种常用的化学治疗药物,与手脚的疼痛性,虚弱性周围神经病变有关,在辅助治疗完成后可能会持续很长时间。这项临床前研究的目的是确定睡眠限制对PAC诱导的动物机械敏感性的累积和持续影响,以及注射PAC的动物的机械敏感性是否存在男女差异。将62只成年Sprague-Dawley大鼠(n = 31只雌性)隔日腹腔注射PAC(1 mg / kg)与媒介物(VEH; 1 ml / kg)进行三个周期的光照,共7天,其次是7天无毒品,并且要限制睡眠与不干扰睡眠。睡眠限制包括在注射后的头6小时内轻柔地处理以保持清醒状态。否则,睡眠不会受到干扰。使用上下法通过von Frey细丝评估机械灵敏度。将机械灵敏度数据进行Log(10)转换以满足正态性假设,以便对方差进行重复测量分析。注射PAC的动物的长期睡眠限制导致机械敏感性显着增加,尽管有睡眠恢复机会,但机械敏感性逐渐恶化。如果这些关系存在于人类中,则在PAC方案期间采用的定向睡眠干预措施可能会改善疼痛结果。



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