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Ar-40/Ar-39 and U-Pb dating of the Fish Canyon magmatic system, San Juan Volcanic field, Colorado: Evidence for an extended crystallization history

机译:鱼峡谷岩浆系统的Ar-40 / Ar-39和U-Pb测年,科罗拉多州圣胡安火山场:结晶历史延长的证据

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The similar to 5000 km(3) Fish Canyon Tuff (FCT) is an important unit for the geochronological community because its sanidine, zircon and apatite are widely used as standards for the Ar-40/Ar-39 and fission track dating techniques. The recognition, more than 10 years ago [Oberli, F., Fischer, H. and Meier, M., 1990. High-resolution U-238-Pb-206 zircon dating of Tertiary bentonites and Fish Canyon Tuff, a test for age "concordance" by single-crystal analysis. Seventh International Conference on Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology. Geological Society of Australia Special Publication Canberra, 27:74], of a >= 0.4 Ma age difference between the U-Pb zircon ages and Ar-40/Ar-39 sanidine ages has, therefore, motivated efforts to resolve the origin of this discrepancy. To address this controversial issue, we initially performed 37 U-Pb analyses on mainly air-abraded zircons at ETH Zurich and nearly 200 Ar-40/Ar-39 measurements on hornblende, biotite, plagioclase and sanidine obtained at the University of Geneva, using samples keyed to a refined eruptive stratigraphy of the FCT magmatic system. Disequilibrium-corrected Pb-206/U-238 ages obtained for 29 single-crystal and three multi-grain analyses span an interval of similar to 28.67-28.03 Ma and yield a weighted mean age of 28.37 +/- 0.05 Ma (95% confidence level), with MSWD=8.4. The individual dates resolve a range of ages in excess of analytical precision, covering similar to 600 ka. In order to independently confirm the observed spread in zircon ages, 12 additional analyses were carried out at the Berkeley Geochronology Center (BGC) on individual zircons from a single lithological unit, part of them pre-treated by the "chemical abrasion" (CA) technique [Mattinson, J.M., 2005. Zircon U-Pb chemical abrasion ("CA-TIMS") method: Combined annealing and multi-step partial dissolution analysis for improved precision and accuracy of zircon ages. Chemical Geology, 220(1-2): 47-66]. Whereas the bulk of the BGC results displays a spread overlapping that obtained at ETH, the group of CA treated zircons yield a considerably narrower range with a mean age of 28.61 +/- 0.08 Ma (MSWD = 1.0). Both mean zircon ages determined at ETH and BGC are older than the similar to 28.0 Ma Ar-40/Ar-39 eruption age of FCT-even when considering the possibility that the latter may be low by as much as similar to 1% due to a miscalibration of the K-40 decay constants-and is thus indicative of a substantial time gap between magma crystallization and extrusion. The CA technique further reveals that younger FCT zircon ages are likely to be associated with chemically unstable U-enriched domains, which may be linked to crystallization during extended magma residence or may have been affected by pre-eruptive and/or post-eruptive secondary loss of radiogenic lead. Due to their complex crystallization history and/or age bias due to Pb loss, the FCT zircon ages are deemed unsuitable for an accurate age calibration of FCT sandine as a fluence monitor for the Ar-40/Ar-39 method. Even though data statistics preclude unambiguous conclusions, Ar-40/Ar-39 dating of sanidine, plagioclase, biotite, and hornblende from the same sample of vitrophyric Fish Canyon Tuff supports the idea of a protracted crystallization history. Sanidine, thought to be the mineral with the lowest closure temperature, yielded the youngest age (28.04 +/- 0.18 Ma at 95% c.l., using Taylor Creek Rhyolite [Renne, P.R. et al., 1998. Intercalibration of standards, absolute ages and uncertainties in Ar-40/Ar-39 dating. Chemical Geology, 145: 117-152.] as the fluence monitor), whereas more retentive biotite, hornblende and plagioclase gave slightly older nominal ages (by 0.2-0.3 Ma). In addition, a laser step-heating experiment on a 2-cm diameter feldspar megacryst produced a "staircase" argon release spectrum (older ages at higher laser power), suggestive of traces of inherited argon in the system. Thermal and water budgets for the Fish Canyon mag
机译:类似于5000 km(3)的鱼峡谷凝灰岩(FCT)是地质年代界的一个重要单元,因为其Sanidine,锆石和磷灰石被广泛用作Ar-40 / Ar-39和裂变径迹测年技术的标准。十多年前的认可[Oberli,F.,Fischer,H.和Meier,M.,1990。第三代膨润土和Fish Canyon Tuff的高分辨率U-238-Pb-206锆石测年,这是对年龄的考验通过单晶分析获得“一致性”。第七届国际地球年代,宇宙年代学和同位素地质会议。澳大利亚地质学会特别出版物堪培拉,27:74],因此U-Pb锆石年龄与Ar-40 / Ar-39 Sanidine年龄之间> = 0.4 Ma的年龄差异,促使人们努力解决这一问题的根源。差异。为了解决这个有争议的问题,我们最初对苏黎世联邦理工学院的主要气蚀锆石进行了37次U-Pb分析,并对在日内瓦大学获得的角闪石,黑云母,斜长石和Sanidine进行了近200次Ar-40 / Ar-39测量, FCT岩浆系统精细喷发地层的关键样本。针对29个单晶和三个多颗粒分析获得的不平衡校正的Pb-206 / U-238年龄跨度接近28.67-28.03 Ma,加权平均年龄为28.37 +/- 0.05 Ma(95%置信度级别),MSWD = 8.4。单个日期可解析超过分析精度的年龄范围,涵盖大约600 ka。为了独立确认观察到的锆石年龄分布,在伯克利地球年代学中心(BGC)对来自单个岩性单元的单个锆石进行了12次其他分析,其中部分经过“化学磨蚀”(CA)预处理技术[Mattinson,JM,2005.锆石U-Pb化学磨损(“ CA-TIMS”)方法:结合退火和多步部分溶出分析,以提高锆石年龄的准确性和准确性。化学地质,220(1-2):47-66]。尽管大部分BGC结果显示出在ETH处获得的扩散重叠,但经过CA处理的锆石组的范围要窄得多,平均年龄为28.61 +/- 0.08 Ma(MSWD = 1.0)。在ETH和BGC处确定的锆石平均年龄都比FCT的28.0 Ma Ar-40 / Ar-39爆发年龄要大-即使考虑到后者的可能性可能低至1% K-40衰减常数的未校准-因此表明岩浆结晶和挤压之间存在相当大的时间间隔。 CA技术进一步揭示,年轻的FCT锆石年龄可能与化学上不稳定的富含U的域有关,这些域可能与岩浆扩展居留期间的结晶有关,或者可能受到喷发前和/或喷发后继发性损失的影响。放射性铅。由于它们复杂的结晶历史和/或由于Pb损失造成的年龄偏差,因此认为FCT锆石年龄不适合作为Ar-40 / Ar-39方法的通量监测器的FCT沙丁鱼的精确年龄校准。尽管数据统计无法得出明确的结论,但从相同的玻璃质鱼峡谷凝灰岩样品中对山梨,斜长石,黑云母和角闪石的Ar-40 / Ar-39测年支持了漫长的结晶历史的想法。 Sanidine被认为是封闭温度最低的矿物,使用Taylor Creek流纹岩[Renne,PR等人,1998。标准,绝对年龄和绝对值之间的相互校准]产生最年轻的年龄(95.cl时为28.04 +/- 0.18 Ma。 Ar-40 / Ar-39年代测定法的不确定性(化学地质学,145:117-152。]作为注量监测器),而更具保留性的黑云母,角闪石和斜长石则具有稍大的标称年龄(0.2-0.3 Ma)。此外,在直径2厘米的长石巨型晶体上进行的激光步进加热实验产生了“阶梯状”的氩气释放光谱(在较高的激光功率下年龄较长),暗示了系统中遗留的氩气痕迹。鱼谷杂志的热量和水预算



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