首页> 外文期刊>Human Immunology: Official Journal of the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics >Analysis of the adequate size of a cord blood bank and comparison of HLA haplotype distributions between four populations

Analysis of the adequate size of a cord blood bank and comparison of HLA haplotype distributions between four populations


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The number of units and especially the number of different HLA haplotypes present in a cord blood (CB) bank is a crucial determinant of its usefulness. We generated data relevant to the development of our national CB in Finland. The HLA haplotype distribution was examined between specific populations. We developed graphical ways of data presentation that enable easy visualization of differences. First, we estimated the optimal size of a CB bank for Finland and found that approximately 1700. units are needed to provide a 5/6 HLA-matched donor for 80% of Finnish patients. Secondly, we evaluated HLA haplotype distributions between four locations, Finland, Japan, Sweden and Belgium. Our results showed that the Japanese Tokyo Cord Blood Bank differs in both the frequency and distribution of haplotypes from the European banks. The European banks (Finnish Cord Blood Registry, The Swedish National Cord Blood Bank, and Marrow Donor Program-Belgium) have similar frequencies of common haplotypes, but 26% of the haplotypes in the Finnish CB bank are unique, which justifies the existence of a national bank. The tendency to a homogenous HLA haplotype distribution in banks underlines the need for targeting recruitment at the poorly represented minority populations.
机译:脐带血(CB)库中存在的单位数量,尤其是不同的HLA单倍型数量是其实用性的关键决定因素。我们生成了与芬兰国家认证机构发展相关的数据。检查了特定人群之间的HLA单倍型分布。我们开发了图形化的数据表示方式,可以轻松显示差异。首先,我们估算了芬兰一家CB银行的最佳规模,发现需要大约1700个单位才能为80%的芬兰患者提供5/6 HLA匹配的供体。其次,我们评估了四个地点(芬兰,日本,瑞典和比利时)之间的HLA单倍型分布。我们的结果表明,日本东京脐带血库的单倍型频率和分布与欧洲银行不同。欧洲银行(芬兰脐带血登记处,瑞典国家脐带血库和比利时骨髓捐赠者计划)具有相似的常见单倍型频率,但是芬兰CB银行中26%的单倍型是唯一的,这证明存在国家银行。银行中HLA单倍型分布均匀的趋势表明,需要针对代表性不足的少数族裔进行招募。



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