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Cover Crops Influence Meadow Vole Presence in Organic Orchards.


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Living mulch cover crops can improve soil health and build organic matter, yet their use in fruit orchards comes with a risk of encouraging meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus), a rodent that can be destructive to fruit trees. Several living mulch cover crop species were assessed in an apple (Malus xdomestica) orchard understory along with wood chip mulch and bare ground. Desired species characteristics were weed competitiveness, low growth habit, nitrogen fixation, and potential rodent repellency. Legume species included birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), medic (Medicago spp.), and subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum), which were planted in solid stands as well as mixtures. Nonlegume species included sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum), sweet alyssum (Lobularia maritima), creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum), and colonial bentgrass (Agrostis tenuis). Meadow vole presence was evaluated in fall and spring with point-intersect and run-length measurements. A legume mix (medic, birdsfoot trefoil, subterranean clover, and colonial bentgrass) had the highest meadow vole presence, with no reduction under the "sandwich" system of tilling either side of the tree trunks while leaving a cover crop in a narrow strip with the trunks. The nonlegume mix [colonial bentgrass, sweet alyssum, creeping thyme, and fivespot (Neomophila maculata)] had similar results. However, the sweet woodruff (planted in the "sandwich" system) had significantly lower presence of meadow voles than the other living mulches. Wood chip mulch, cultivation, and bare ground control were all similar, with very low presence, indicating low risk of meadow vole damage. The results from the sweet woodruff suggest that we need more research on the potential to select living mulches that are nonattractive or repellent to meadow voles for use in orchards.
机译:地膜覆盖农作物可以改善土壤健康状况并积累有机物质,但在果园中使用它们却有可能引起草地田鼠(田鼠(Microtus pennsylvanicus))的危险,该鼠可能对果树造成破坏。在苹果(Malus xdomestica)果园地下层中评估了几种覆盖覆盖的农作物物种,以及木屑覆盖和裸露的地面。所需的物种特征是杂草竞争力,低生长习性,固氮和潜在的驱虫性。豆科植物种类包括在固态林分及其混合物中种植的鸟足三叶草(Lotus corniculatus),军医(Medicago spp。)和地下三叶草(Trifolium subterraneum)。非豆科物种包括甜伍德拉夫(Galium odoratum),甜香雪球(Lobularia maritima),creep百里香(Thymus serpyllum)和殖民地草(Agrostis tenuis)。通过点相交和游程测量,评估了秋季和春季草甸田鼠的存在。豆科植物的混合物(药用,鸟脚三叶草,地下三叶草和殖民地草丛)的草地田鼠存量最高,在“三明治”耕作方式下,在树干的两边耕种时都没有减少,同时在窄条上覆盖农作物树干。非豆科植物混合物[殖民地草,甜香雪球,百里香和五点(Neomophila maculata)]具有相似的结果。但是,甜的伍德拉夫(种植于“三明治”系统中)的草地田鼠比其他活的覆盖物要低得多。木片覆盖,栽培和裸露地控制均相似,但存在率极低,表明草地田鼠受损的风险较低。甜甜的伍德拉夫的结果表明,我们需要对选择对田鼠没有吸引力或不喜欢草甸田鼠的活覆盖物的潜力进行更多研究。



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