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Promising Olive Cultivars for Oil Production in Hawaii


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To determine promising olive (Olea europaea) cultivars for oil production in Hawaii, seven trees each of 10 cultivars (Arbequina, Arbosana, Coratina, Frantoio, Koroneiki, Leccino, Mission, Moraiolo, Pendolino, and Taggiasca) were planted in Feb. and July 2011 at the Lalamilo Experiment station on Hawaii Island (lat. 20.0176 degrees N, long. 155.6827 degrees W, elevation 2700 ft). In addition, two trees each of these 10 cultivars were planted in June 2011, with the exception of Arbequina, which was planted in July 2012, at the Maui Agricultural Research Center in Kula, Maui (lat. 20.7564 degrees N, long. 156.3289 degrees W, elevation 3100 ft). At Lalamilo, after similar to 2 years of growth in the field (2013), three cultivars of olives (Arbequina, Arbosana, and Koroneiki) flowered, fruited, and produced oil yields of greater than 20%. These same cultivars flowered and fruited in 2014 and 2015. There was no significant difference among cultivars in fresh weight fruit yield averaged over 2 years (2013 and 2014), ranging from 2.14 to 2.45 kg/tree. During December to March, calculation of chilling hours below 12.5 degrees C was 141 hours during 2012-13 and 161 hours during 2013-14. The other seven cultivars did not flower and fruit during these 2 years of growth at Lalamilo, perhaps due to a greater requirement for chilling hours. At Kula, after 3 years of growth (2015), nine cultivars of olives with the exception of Moraiolo flowered and fruited. Mean fresh weight fruit yield in 2015 ranged from 0.25 to 22.06 kg/tree for various cultivars grown in Kula, Maui. In 2013, the oil from three cultivars grown at Lalamilo was analyzed for free fatty acids (FFA), peroxide value (PV), ultraviolet absorption for conjugated double bonds, 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG), and pyropheophytins (PPP). Oil quality was within the range of extra-virgin olive oil. There is a need to investigate further the effects of temperature and management on flowering and fruiting of olive cultivars grown in Hawaii at various elevations. In particular, 'Arbequina', 'Arbosana', and 'Koroneiki' appear to have a lower requirement for chilling hours than other cultivars tested.
机译:为了确定在夏威夷产油的有前途的橄榄(Olea europaea)品种,在10月的2个品种和7月分别种植了7种树木,其中有10个品种(Arbequina,Arbosana,Coratina,Frantoio,Koroneiki,Leccino,Mission,Moraiolo,Pendolino和Taggiasca)。 2011年在夏威夷岛的Lalamilo实验站(北纬20.0176度,长155.6827度,海拔2700英尺)。此外,除了Arbequina(于2012年7月在毛伊岛库拉的毛伊农业研究中心种植)外,这10个品种中的每一种均于2011年6月种植了两棵树(北纬20.7564度,长156.3289度)。 W,海拔3100英尺)。在拉拉米洛(Lalamilo),经过大约两年的田间生长(2013),三个橄榄品种(Arbequina,Arbosana和Koroneiki)开花,结实,产油量超过20%。这些相同的品种在2014年和2015年开花结果。在2年(2013年和2014年)的平均鲜重水果产量之间,在2.14到2.45 kg /棵之间,均没有显着差异。在12月至3月期间,低于12.5摄氏度的冷却时间在2012-13年为141小时,在2013-14年为161小时。在Lalamilo的这两年的生长中,其他七个品种没有开花结果,这可能是由于对冷藏时间的要求更高。在库拉省,经过3年的生长(2015年),除了莫赖欧洛(Moraiolo)以外,还有9个橄榄开花并结实。 2015年,毛伊岛库拉种植的各种品种的平均鲜重水果产量在0.25至22.06 kg /棵之间。 2013年,分析了在Lalamilo种植的三个品种的油中的游离脂肪酸(FFA),过氧化物值(PV),共轭双键的紫外线吸收,1,2-二酰甘油(DAG)和焦脱镁叶绿素(PPP)。油质在特级初榨橄榄油的范围内。有必要进一步研究温度和管理对夏威夷不同海拔地区种植的橄榄品种开花和结果的影响。特别是,“ Arbequina”,“ Arbosana”和“ Koroneiki”似乎对冷藏时间的要求比其他测试品种低。



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